Using the tiller
The tiller must be correctly adjusted in order to function correctly.
This will save power on both the machine and the operator.
Dragbar adjustment
Run the tiller approx. 1 m and measure the depth which the rotors
have made in the soil.
Adjust the dragbar setting fot this depth. If the adjustment is
correctly done, the tiller should pull itself forward. The operator is
steering by lifting the handle slightly. The tiller should always run
parallel with the ground and the operator should have^lightly bent
Autumn work
Scarifying can be made by using rotary tools or a plough. When a
plough is used, make sure that the soil is turned (tilted) and not
crushed. Plough in fertilizers and ev. lime at the same time.
A working depth of approx. 15 cm is normally enough for most
applications, becausetillage is usually done in rows which later will
be earthed up.
Clay soil must not be tilled in wet condition. It will then be
packed and the result can be worse than before the tilling.
If the work is done in late autumn, the weeds will be prevented
from growing. In areas which have frost during winter, the frost will
burst the soil and make it porous and fertile.
Spring work
It depends on the soil, when spring farming should start. Generally,
you should wait until the soil is dry and easy to crumble. If the soil is
sandy, it will thaw faster and you can start earlier.
The clay soil must be so dry that it does not clod the whole tilling
depth. A too early start may result in a too big evaporation, which
dries out the soil.
If the soil is hard, it is advisable to till in stages, deeper for each
time. Then the soil will be more even in structure and the clods
On inclines it is advisable to till the soil across the incline. Use a
plant guard.
Always till all the soil at the same time at a depth of 5—10 cm.
This has the same function as to smoothen down the soil. The even
and dry surface protects the soil against evaporation.
If the soil has to be tilled all at once, it is advisable to first fertilize
and then run over the surface one more time across the already
tilled ground.
Now it is time for making furrows. These should be as straight as
possible and have such a big space between them that the plants
not are damaged when row-weeding and earthing-up. For example
potatoes should have a row space of 60—70 cm.
Row-weeding, earthing-up
The plants should be kept clear from weeds. The soil should also be
kept open in order to let air enter satisfactory.
The row-weeding can be done by using the tiller between the
rows. A plant guard should be used as long as the plants are small.
Weeds between the plants are weeded out by hand or by using a
The earthing up may be done at the same time as the row-
weeding. Then a hoeing knife is mounted behind thetiller instead of
the dragbar.
Metal wheels and rigder