The incubator has software for temperature readjustment. You must first measure the temperature in the
middle of the chamber or in the sample for a minimum of 2 hours. You must measure the temperature with a
certificated reference temperature measuring instrument with 0.1 ºC precision or better. After 2 hours or more
read the temperature on a thermometer and compare it with the temperature on the LED display. Difference
between thermometer and display is the value that you will enter in the software.
You can insert the thermometer into the upper chamber through the opening on the top of the incubator, and
into the lower chamber through the opening on the left side of the incubator.
Example 1: Reference temperature is 37.9 ºC, temperature on display is 37 ºC. Difference is 37.9 - 37 = 0.9
Value is 0.9 (value which you enter in the software).
Example 2: Reference temperature is 36.2 ºC, temperature on display is 37 ºC. Difference is 36.2 - 37 = -0.8
Value is - 0.8 (value which you enter in the software).
Procedure for temperature readjustment:
Press the UP and DOWN keys simultaneously for more than 5 seconds (while current temperature is displayed
on display) - message "COr" (correction) appears on display and the DOT starts to blink.
With the relevant UP or DOWN key set the value (while DOT is blinking). Pay attention to the sign of the value
(plus or minus). After 3 seconds, when you have set the temperature, display will automatically show the current
Review the information in the table below to troubleshoot operating problems.
Temperature probe fault, electronic board
fault or incorrect setting of parameters.
Overheating of the electronics.
Cleaning and maintenance
Prior to any cleaning or maintenance of the unit, disconnect the power cord from the wall
When you are using the unit for cooling, some drops of water could condense on the inside of the chambers.
Use a soft cloth to wipe the inside of the chambers, if necessary.
Clean the unit internally and externally with a damp cloth and mild soap. Do not immerse the unit or spill liquids
into or on the unit. Use of alcohol or ammonia-based cleaners on the door may cause it to crack. Allow the
incubator to dry completely inside and outside, before reconnecting the power and using it again.
Extra shelf, 286 x 285 mm, stainless steel
Tube rack, 2 x 6 positions, Ø 32 mm
8 I EN Instruction manual VWR
INCU-Line Tower
Contact your distributor.
Turn the main switch off and wait for the
device to cool down. Then you can use the
incubator again.
Cat. No.