To configure TV triggering
1 Select the desired trigger source on the Trigger Source panel.
2 On the Trigger Settings panel, click on the TV button.
3 Select the desired video standard on the TV Trigger Setting panel.
4 Select a mode to define the portion of the video signal to trigger on.
Table 2-5
Line (or count for Generic) numbers per field for each non-HDTV/EDTV video
Video standard
Line Number Represents Count
In Generic mode, the line number represents the number of a count instead of a
real line number. Line:Field 1 and Line:Field 2 are used to indicate where the
counting starts. For an interlaced video signal, the counting starts from the
rising edge of the first vertical serration pulse of Field 1 and/or Field 2.
Keysight U2701A/U2702A User's Guide
Field 1
1 to 263
1 to 313
1 to 313
1 to 1024
Scope Features and Functions
Field 2
1 to 262
314 to 625
314 to 625
1 to 1024