Scope Features and Functions
Trigger Options
Coupling Modes
The oscilloscope offers four types of coupling modes — Direct Current (DC),
Alternating Current (AC), Low Frequency-Reject (LF-Reject), and High
Frequency-Reject (HF-Reject).
DC coupling allows DC and AC signals into the trigger path. When DC coupling is
selected, both DC and AC components of the input waveform are transferred to
the oscilloscope. DC coupling enables the triggering waveforms of as low as 0 Hz
without large DC offsets to be captured.
AC coupling enables the triggering waveforms with large DC offsets to be
LF-Reject coupling places a 35 kHz high-pass filter in series with the trigger
waveform. The LF-Reject coupling will remove any unwanted low frequency
components from a triggered waveform, such as power line frequencies that can
interfere with proper triggering.
HF-Reject coupling places a low-pass filter with the 3 dB point at 35 kHz.
HF-Reject removes high-frequency noise such as AM or FM broadcast stations
from the trigger path.
Keysight U2701A/U2702A User's Guide