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Liens rapides

Important warnIng
t Is crItIcal that all yakIma racks and accessorIes be properly and securely attached to your vehIcle
result In an automobIle accIdent
securIng the racks and accessorIes to your car
for adjustment
and damage
your yakIma product prIor to InstallatIon or use
mechanIcal experIence and are not thoroughly famIlIar wIth the InstallatIon procedures
professIonal Installer such as a qualIfIed garage or auto body shop
and could cause serIous bodIly Injury or death to you or to others
checkIng the attachments prIor to use
. t
you must read and understand all of the InstructIons and cautIons supplIed wIth
. I
f you do not understand all of the InstructIons and cautIons
and perIodIcally InspectIng the products
you should have the product Installed by a
For Your
Required for bikes with step-
through/Ladies frames or
bikes with slanted top tubes.
Part #8002531
Carries up to 6 pairs of skis
or 4 snowboards
Part #8002418
To purchase any Yakima
accessory visit Yakima.com
or contact your local dealer.
For use with 2"
hitch only.
Do not use with a
hitch extender.
. I
mproper attachment could
. y
ou are responsIble for
or If you have no
Part #1033439 Rev.J



Sommaire des Matières pour Yakima SwingDaddy 4

  • Page 1 Do not use with a hitch extender. Important warnIng t Is crItIcal that all yakIma racks and accessorIes be properly and securely attached to your vehIcle mproper attachment could result In an automobIle accIdent and could cause serIous bodIly Injury or death to you or to others...
  • Page 2 Insert tongue Into vehIcle's hItch. Align the holes in the receiver to the holes in the base. Install safety pIn or locK Install hitch bolt, lock- tongue to the hItch. washer, and washer. Attach hitch lock. Install bolt, lock-washer, and washer from right side of receiver.
  • Page 3 To slide cradles along the carrier arms, stabilizer must be in upright position. close cradles while loading bikes. stabilizer load largest or A Yakima TubeTop (see heavIest bIKe fIrst. cover page) may be required to carry your Always load bike safely.
  • Page 4 locK bIKes to carrIer. • Pass cable through bike frame. • Attach lock to pin. • Lock the lock. • Access lock cable from recess at rear of mast. YOU MUST USE THE LOCKING CABLE WHEN CARRYING BIKES. accessIng rear when bIKes are loaded remove pIn.
  • Page 5 5:00 this product is covered by yaKIma’s “love It till you leave It” limited lifetime warranty To obtain a copy of this warranty, go online to www.yakima.com or email us at yakwarranty@yakima.com or call (888) 925-4621 K e e p t h e s e I n s t r u c t I o n s !
  • Page 6: Avertissement Important

    6 paires de skis ou 4 planches à neige. RONDELLE DE Article no 8002418 BLOCAGE (1X) Pour acheter tout accessoire RONDELLE (1X) Yakima, consulter le site Yakima.com ou contacter le revendeur le plus proche. RONDELLE (1X) PINCE DE SÉCU- CLÉ HEXAGONALE (1X) RITÉ (1X)
  • Page 7 InsÉrer la languette dans l'attelage du vÉhIcule. Aligner les trous dans le dispositif récepteur avec ceux de la base. poser la broche de sÛretÉ ou la poser le boulon d'attelage muni serrure d'attelage. de la rondelle de sécurité et de la rondelle plate.
  • Page 8 Il faudra peut-être employer plus grand ou le plus lourd. un tube TubeTop Yakima (voir la page couverture) Toujours charger pour transporter le vélo de le premier vélo en manière sécuritaire.
  • Page 9 verrouIller les bIcyclettes sur le porteur. • faire passer le câble à travers le cadre de la bicyclette. • fixer le verrou à la goupille. • Verrouiller le verrou. • Accéder au câble à verrou à partir de l'encastrement à l'arrière du mât.
  • Page 10: Importantes Limites De Chargement

    « vous l'aimez tant que vous l'utilisez » Pour obtenir une copie de cette garantie, visiter le site Web www. yakima.comou envoyer un courriel au yakwarranty@yakima.comou encore composer le (888) 925-4621 c o n s e r v e r c e s I n s t r u c t I o n s !
  • Page 11 InspeccIonar perIódIcamente los productos para verIfIcar su ajuste o sI han sufrIdo desgaste o daño n consecuencIa debe leer y comprender todas las InstruccIones y precaucIones sumInIstradas con su producto yakIma antes de su InstalacIón o uso I no comprende todas las InstruccIones y precaucIones o bIen sI no tIene experIencIa mecánIca y no está...
  • Page 12 Inserte la lengüeta en el enganchador del vehículo. Alinee los agujeros del receptor con los agujeros de la base. trabe la espIga al enganche con el Instale el pasador del clIp de segurIdad o con el cerroJo. enganche, la arandela de cierre y la arandela.
  • Page 13 Siempre cargue necesite utilizar un TubeTop la primera de Yakima (vea la cubierta). bicicleta con la cadena hacia afuera del vehículo. Si las bicicletas no se cargan correctamente, se pueden provocar daños materiales, heridas...
  • Page 14 • Pase el cable por el chasis de la asegure las bIcIcletas al transportador. bicicleta. • fije el candado al pasador. • Cierre el candado. • Obtenga acceso al cable de bloqueo desde el nicho ubicado en la parte trasera del mástil. USTED DEBE UTILIZAR EL CABLE DE SEGURIDAD CUANDO TRANSPORTA BICICLETAS.
  • Page 15 Para obtener una copia de esta garantía, visite el sitio Web www. yakima.como envíenos un mensaje por correo electrónico a yakwarranty@yakima.com, o bien, llámenos al (888) 925-4621 ¡ c o n s e r v e e s t a s I n s t r u c c I o n e s !
  • Page 16 * Based on variances in bumper and rear-mounted spare tire heights, you may have more or less clearance than what is KINGPIN 1.5” stated on this chart. When you are fitting a hitch rack, it is always good to visit an authorized Yakima dealer first, to BIGHORN 1.25” 1.5”...