1.3.2 Tyre bead breaker
Check the following points before using the device:
- Check oil level, water level and air pressure on the maintenance unit
- Check whether the power supply is connected properly.
® Copyright ATH-Heinl GmbH & Co. KG, All rights reserved / Misprints and technical changes reserved / As of: 2020-03
Unscrew the valve insert on the wheel valve and let out all the air.
Turn and/or tension the clamping plate into a position which does
not allow any components (cylinder, pneumatic fittings, etc.) to be
touched by the tyre.
Turn the wheel rim so that you can first apply the bead breaker to
the outer side of the wheel rim.
Place the depressurised wheel to the side, on the special rubber
pad on the machine housing.
You can place the bead breaker blade on the outside of the tyre
using the control lever. In order to complete the assembly without
any damage, the blade must be positioned around 1 cm from the
edge of the rim flange.
Press the gear change pedal for the bead breaker until the tyre has
come off the wheel rim and then release the pedal IMMEDIATELY.
Continue to turn the wheel and repeat the bead breaking process
until the tyre has come away from the wheel rim all the way
In order to make it easier to then disassemble the tyre and/or to
proceed more gently on the tyre and the wheel rim, it is advisable
to cover the parts of the tyre and wheel rim that are being
released with a standard assembly paste each time you insert the
bead breaker blade.
Only used approved products!
Repeat the procedure for the second wheel side.
Manufacturer ATH-Heinl GmbH & CO.KG
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