7-1 - Normal using
Valve functionment is fully automatic.
7-2 -Cleaning
Do not use a water jet under hight pressure for the cleaning of the valve.
The equipment should be cleaned using cleaning agents that are compatible with the materials of the supplied
product. For the dilution percentages, refer to the instructions of the cleaning agents to be used.
Material :
-Composite for 2 cases and the tube.
Maintenance must be carried out by qualified staff.
When replacing a component, choose the right component from the manufacturer's after-sales service, and
respect the instructions of the different sections in this instruction manual.
Check the flaps mobility and their tighteness.
When starting or stoping the cold room, please follow the Local Regulations.
Take all the European and national regulation texts into consideration, which deal with scrap and packaging
waste. Examples:
Directive relating to scrapping, 75/442/CEE.
Directive relating to electrical and electronic equipment waste, 2002/96/EC.
It is agreed that the buyer, keeping this equipment, shall ensure the financing and organization of
scrapping the waste from this equipment.
The buyer, on scrapping his waste, should keep proof of the full application of these regulation
Scrapping of the following items required dismounting and waste to a special center. These materials give off
harmful vapors during combustion.
75, rue de Richelieu - 75002 PARIS - FRANCE - Tél. :(33) 01 42 96 94 06 - Fax :(33) 01 42 86 84 51
Gear case Rep 1a
http://www.fermod.com - e-mail : contact@fermod.com
Siège Social : Senlis (Oise) - Société Anonyme au capital de
RCS Senlis B 301 468 211 - Siret 301 468 211 00018 - APE 2572Z
1 004 400 Euros
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