6. Press softkey [
•"Transmitting Position Request" is displayed, and then the assigned channel is automatically selected.
NOTE: If Channel 70 is busy, the transceiver stands by until the channel becomes clear.
7. When you receive a Position Reply:
• An alarm sounds.
8. Press softkey [
9. Press softkey [
10. Press [▲]/[▼] to scroll the screen then check the target's position.
11. Press softkey [
◆Receiving a Position Request Call/ Polling Request Call
When an Position Request call is received:
The alarm sounds for 2 minutes.
"RCVD POS REQUEST" is displayed.
1. Press softkey [
2. Press the softkey for the next operation.
Press [
]: Ingores the call and returns to the operating screen.
•The call is saved in the DSC Log.
" blinks continuously until you display the call message.
Press [
]: Sends the Acknowledgement "Able to Comply".
•The call is saved in the DSC Log.
Press [
]: Sends the Acknowledgement "Unable to Comply".
Displays the Acknowledgement information, and then press [
operating screen.
•The call is saved in the DSC Log.
]: Accepts the call.
• The received call's information is displayed.
• The call is saved in the DSC Log.
• Press [
] or [
] to send the Position Request call.
] to turn OFF the alarm.
], the received information is displayed.
], and then press [
] to turn OFF the alarm.
], then press [
] to send the Position Reply call.
] to return to the operating screen.
] to returns to the