9. Trim kick sensor bracket: Using die grinder, remove area
shown in Figure 7.
10. Reinstall exhaust: Reattach the exhaust hangers removed in
step 4.
11. Reinstall fascia and electrical, if present:
© 2022 Horizon Global™ Corp. - Printed in Mexico
11. Reinstall fascia and electrical, if present: Place sensors back into location on fascia. Starting
from the center of the vehicle lineup and gently reinstall the rear fascia and all fasteners in
reverse order steps 2-3. (Note: reattach any wiring hardness if removed).
Sheet 6 of 18
12. Reinstall taillights: Reinstall the taillights removed
in step 1. If needed remove the side cover near the
taillights for easier access.
Rev. A