Annexe B — Protocole RS-232 (suite)
2. RS-232 Protocol
The RS-232 protocol for the Ultimus V dispenser is RS-232C standard. The dispenser acts as a terminal to the
remote PC / PLC, referred to as the Client.
2.1 Communication Specifications
The Ultimus V dispenser communicates using the following settings:
• Synchronous Mode: Half Duplex
• Baud Rates: 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200 (default)
NOTE: Baud Rate is selectable through the Comm Port Settings menu. Refer to "Écran Options de ports de
communications" on page 26 for more information.
• Start Bit: 1
• Data Length: 8 bit (ASCII)
• Parity Bit: None
• Stop Bit: 1
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Doseur de Fluide Haute Précision Ultimus V