Active devices, 26
Add a Bluetooth headset, 21
Add a cell phone, 19
Add a handset, 136
Alert tones, 131
Alphabetical search, 95
Answer a cell call, 58
Answer a cell call while on a home
call, 60
Answer a home call, 56
Answering system and voicemail, 122
Answering system settings, 114
Answer on/off, 113
Appendix, 129
Battery charging, 13
Battery installation, 13
Bluetooth connection from idle
mode, 26
Bluetooth glossary, 18
Bluetooth operation, 17
Bluetooth setup, 19
Caller ID, 104
Caller ID Announce, 52
Caller ID history, 105
Call intercept, 123
Call log, 105
Call log display screen messages,
Call screening, 117
Call waiting on the cell line, 59
Call waiting on the home line, 58
Cell area code, 42, 54
Cell call, 58
Cell phone download directory, 27
Chain dialing, 66
Change a one-to-one PTT to
intercom call, 85
Change PIN, 30
Charger installation, 12
Charging, 14
Clear the voicemail indication, 46
Clock, 13, 33, 50
Connect an active device, 23
Create a new directory entry, 89
Date, 13, 33, 50
Delete a directory entry, 99
Delete all old messages, 126
Delete a message, 124–125
Delete a redial entry, 70
Delete the announcement, 116
Deregister handsets, 137
Dial a call log entry, 108
Dial a directory entry, 96
Dial mode, 39, 51
Directory, 27, 88
Disconnect an active device, 23
Display alerts, 35, 45
Download directory, 27
Download fail, 37, 47
Edit a directory entry, 97
Edit the type of a directory entry, 99
End a cell call, 58
End a home call, 56
End a PTT call, 86
End mute, 64
Equalizer, 65
Expand your telephone system, 136
Find handset, 71
Flash (switch hook flash), 58
Glossary, 18
Handset icons, 129
Handset lights, 131
Handset locator, 71
Handset ringer volume, 31, 32
Handset settings, 31
HD audio, 158