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J3 Back
NOTICE: This manual contains important instructions that must be passed on to the user of this product.
Please do not remove this manual before delivery to the end user.
SUPPLIER: This manual must be given to the user of this product.
Before using this product, read this entire manual and save for future reference.
WARRANTY REGISTRATION: Visit to register this product.
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ENREGISTREMENT DE LA GARANTIE : Visitez pour enregistrer ce produit.
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J 3 B A C K
O w n e r ' s M a n u a l
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Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Jay J3 BACK

  • Page 1 S E C T I O N E N G L I S H J 3 B A C K J3 Back ® IMPORTANT CONSUMER INFORMATION NOTICE: This manual contains important instructions that must be passed on to the user of this product.
  • Page 2: Table Des Matières

    All manuals and user guides at E N G L I S H TABLE OF CONTENTS ENGLISH Introduction ..........Maintenance and Cleaning ....... Fitting the Back to the Chair....Installation ..........Adjustment..........Accessories..........10 Transit Safety ..........12 Removal and Replacement ....... 13 Warranty ..........
  • Page 3: English

    4mm Hex Key 10mm Box End Wrench THE JAY J3 BACK Mid Thoracic (example) The Jay J3 Back is designed to provide the important benefits of a MID THORACIC (MT) proper back support for a wide variety of users. It is designed to provide simple, comfortable and effective support to help maximize function and increase sitting tolerance.
  • Page 4: Maintenance And Cleaning

    All manuals and user guides at E N G L I S H MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING MAINTENANCE Sunrise recommends that all fasteners be checked for wear, such as loose bolts or broken components every 6 months. Loose fasteners should be retightened according to the installation instructions. All fasteners should be tightened to torque specifications as stated in the hardware installation section.
  • Page 5: Fitting The Back To The Chair

    DETERMINING COMPATIBILITY Figure 1 Wheelchair Types The J3 Back is designed to be compatible with most wheelchairs with the following exceptions: Wheelchairs that are angularly adjustable, recline or tilt and result in a back angle greater than 60 degrees from the vertical should not be used.
  • Page 6: Installation

    Figure 3 Please read the following instructions before beginning installation. To install the J3 Back, it is best to begin without a user in the wheelchair. Once the back has been installed and minor adjust- ments are needed the user can be seated back in the wheelchair.
  • Page 7 For large tube diameters, clamp screws may have to be removed completely. 4. Attach the J3 Back by inserting left and right Mounting Pins (D) in the left and right Latch Receivers (E). 5. Install back to the approximate location, relative to both Figure 8 chair and user.
  • Page 8 All manuals and user guides at E N G L I S H INSTALLATION 15. Test back release by pressing the release levers (L) forward Figure 9 and removing the back off the chair. (See Removal and Replacement section for further details.) Proper alignment of the mounting hardware and back is achieved when smooth attachment and release can be easily done.
  • Page 9: Adjustment

    J3 Back. Do not have the user apply full pressure on the back as it is not fully tightened to the full torque requirements.
  • Page 10: Accessories

    1. Lift upper flap of J3 Back Cover (Fig. 17) 2. Match hook to loop and attach Vanity Flap to the back of the J3 Back Cover (Fig. 17). Reposition upper flap of cover to sandwich the Vanity Flap between the flaps the upper and lower flaps (Fig.
  • Page 11 To install Spine Align please read the following directions. 1. Spine Align Positioning Component Installation a. Have the user remove pressure from the J3 Back by leaning or sliding partially forward if possible. b. Release Velcro strip on the top cover flap (Fig. 24) and lift the cover forward to reveal the inside of the J3 Back.
  • Page 12: Transit Safety

    9. Postural support devices such as pelvic positioning belts, anterior trunk supports or postural supports The J3 back has been dynamically tested for use in a motor vehicle. such as lateral trunk supports should not be relied on Please follow all installation, use and maintenance instructions with- for occupant restraint in a moving vehicle unless they in this manual as well as the transit instructions listed below.
  • Page 13: Removal And Replacement

    Claims and repairs should be processed through the nearest authorized supplier. Except for express warranties made herein, all Each Jay J3 Back is carefully inspected and tested to provide peak other warranties, including implied warranties of merchantability performance. Every Jay J3 Back is guaranteed to be free from and warranties of fitness for a particular purpose are excluded.
  • Page 14: Español

    RESPALDO DE JAY J3 Torácica media (ejemplo) MID THORACIC (MT) El Respaldo de Jay J3 está diseñado para proporcionar, un apoyo apropiado para la espalda a una gran variedad de usuarios. Está dis- eñado para proporcionar un apoyo simple, confortable y efectivo...
  • Page 15: Mantenimiento Y Limpieza

    All manuals and user guides at E S PA Ñ O L MANTENIMIENTO Y LIMPIEZA ESPECIFICACIONES DE MANTENIMIENTO Y AJUSTE DE LAS FIJACIONES Sunrise recomienda que todas las fijaciones sean comprobadas por si están desgastadas y para comprobar si hay, por ejemplo, pernos sueltos o componentes rotos, cada 6 meses.
  • Page 16: Colocación Del Respaldo En La Silla

    All manuals and user guides at E S PA Ñ O L COLOCACIÓN DEL RESPALDO EN LA SILLA COMPATIBILIDAD Figura 1 Tipos de sillas de ruedas El Respaldo J3 está diseñado para ser compatible con la mayoría de las sillas de ruedas con las siguientes excepciones: No deben utilizarse sillas de ruedas que sean ajustables angular- mente, reclinables o basculantes, y que lleguen a un ángulo mayor de 60 grados.
  • Page 17: Instalacion

    All manuals and user guides at E S PA Ñ O L INSTALACION INSTALACIÓN DE LAS PIEZAS DE Figura 3 FIJACIÓN Y MONTAJE Por favor lea las siguientes instrucciones antes de dar comienzo a la instalación. Para instalar el respaldo J3, es mejor comenzar sin el usuario en la silla de ruedas.
  • Page 18 All manuals and user guides at E S PA Ñ O L INSTALACION FIJACIÓN DE LOS ACCESORIOS DE CUA- TRO PUNTOS (OPCIONAL) (FIG. 7, 8, 9) Herramientas necesarias (incluidas con el respaldo J3 con accesorios de 4 puntos) • Llave hexagonal de 4 mm •...
  • Page 19 All manuals and user guides at E S PA Ñ O L INSTALACION 13. Deslice el receptáculo inferior hacia arriba (J) hasta que se Figure 9 encuentre alrededor del pasador de montaje inferior (I). NOTA: Deje un espacio de 1/8 a 1/4 pulg. (3 mm a 6 mm) entre la parte de abajo del pasador de montaje inferior (I) y la parte de abajo del canal receptor inferior (J).
  • Page 20 All manuals and user guides at E S PA Ñ O L AJUSTE AJUSTE DE ALTURA, PROFUNDIDAD Y Figura 12 ÁNGULO EN J3 La primera fase de la instalación de las piezas de ajuste del respaldo J3 está completa. Es el momento de sentar al usuario en la silla para personalizar la posición del respaldo J3.
  • Page 21: Accesorios

    All manuals and user guides at E S PA Ñ O L ACCESORIOS INSTALACIÓN DE LA SOLAPA Figure 17 Figure 18 DECORATIVA 1. Levante la solapa superior de la cubierta del respaldo J3 (Fig. 17) 2. Haga coincidir el material de bucle y gancho, y fije la solapa decorativa en la parte posterior de la cubierta del respaldo J3 (Fig.
  • Page 22 All manuals and user guides at E S PA Ñ O L ACCESORIOS COMPONENTES DE POSICIONAMIENTO Figure 24 DE ALINEACIÓN VERTEBRAL Los componentes de posicionamiento de alineación vertebral están Cobertura diseñados para proporcionar una sujección ergonómica en un superior respaldo "separado de la estructura principal".
  • Page 23: Seguridad En Transito

    All manuals and user guides at E S PA Ñ O L SEGURIDAD EN TRANSITO SEGURIDAD EN TRÁNSITO DEL RESPALDO 9. No deben considerarse como sistemas de sujeción de seguridad los dispositivos de soporte postural, tales El respaldo J3 ha sido dinámicamente probado para su utilización en como cinturones de posicionamiento pélvicos, soporte un vehículo a motor.
  • Page 24: Retirada Y Nueva Colocación

    All manuals and user guides at E S PA Ñ O L RETIRADA Y NUEVA COLOCACIÓN RETIRADA Y NUEVA COLOCACIÓN Figure 28 Figure 27 Después de la instalación y ajuste, el Respaldo puede retirarse fácil- mente de la silla de ruedas si es necesario. Para la extracción, empuje hacia delante de las palancas de liberación (Fig.
  • Page 25: Français

    Clé alène 4 mm Clé plate 10 mm LE DOSSIER J3 verrouillage Le dossier Jay J3 est conçu pour offrir à de nombreux usagers les Mi-thoracique (exemple) avantages non négligeables d'un support dorsal adéquat. Il vise à MID THORACIC (MT) assurer un support à...
  • Page 26: Entretien Et Nettoyage

    All manuals and user guides at F R A N Ç A I S ENTRETIEN ET NETTOYAGE ENTRETIEN ET COUPLES DE SERRAGE Sunrise conseille de vérifier les attaches tous les 6 mois pour s’as- surer de l’absence d’usure, de boulons desserrés ou de composants cassés.
  • Page 27: Montage Du Dossier Sur Le Fauteil

    All manuals and user guides at F R A N Ç A I S MONTAGE DU DOSSIER SUR LE FAUTEUIL DÉTERMINATION DE COMPATIBILITÉ Figure 1 Types de fauteuils roulants Le dossier J3 est conçu pour s’adapter à la plupart des fauteuils roulants, excepté...
  • Page 28: Montage

    All manuals and user guides at F R A N Ç A I S MONTAGE MONTAGE DES FIXATIONS Figure 3 Veuillez lire les instructions suivantes avant de commencer le montage. Installer le dossier J3 dans un un 1er temps sans utilisateur dans le fauteuil roulant.
  • Page 29: Installation Des Quatre Points De Fixation (Facultatif) (Fig. 7, 8, 9)

    All manuals and user guides at F R A N Ç A I S MONTAGE INSTALLATION DES QUATRE POINTS DE FIXATION (FACULTATIF) (FIG. 7, 8, 9) Outils requis (fournis avec le dossier J3 à quatre points de fixation) • clé alène 4 mm •...
  • Page 30: Installation De La Fixation Du Support Léger (Fig. 10, 11)

    All manuals and user guides at F R A N Ç A I S MONTAGE rail inférieur au niveau des tubes de dossier. Un alignement incorrect Figure 9 des supports peut gêner la fonction de déblocage rapide. 14. Une fois que l’alignement est correct, serrez les écrous de serrage des pinces de fixation (G).
  • Page 31: Reglage

    All manuals and user guides at F R A N Ç A I S REGLAGE RÉGLAGE EN HAUTEUR, EN PROFONDEUR Figure 12 ET EN LARGEUR DU DOSSIER J3 La première phase de l’installation du dossier J3 est terminée. Il est temps d’asseoir l’utilisateur à...
  • Page 32: Accessoires

    All manuals and user guides at F R A N Ç A I S ACCESSOIRES FIXATION DU RABAT DE PROTECTION Figure 17 Figure 18 1. Soulevez le rabat supérieur de la housse du dossier J3 (Fig. 2. Fixez le velcro du rabat de protection à la housse du dossier J3 (Fig.
  • Page 33: Composants Pour Le Positionnement

    All manuals and user guides at F R A N Ç A I S ACCESSOIRES COMPOSANTS POUR LE POSITIONNEMENT Figure 11 Rabat de la par- Les éléments de positionnement pour un alignement lombaire sont tie supérieur de conçus pour fournir un dossier « clé en main » en proposant un la housse du soutien qui épouse les formes.
  • Page 34: Le Dossier J3 Adapté Pour La Sécurité À L'arrière D'un Véhicule

    All manuals and user guides at F R A N Ç A I S SÉCURITÉ À L’ARRIÈRE D’UN VÉHICULE LE DOSSIER J3 ADAPTÉ POUR LA 9. Les dispositifs de soutien postural comme les ceintures d’aide au positionnement du bassin, les cales lom- SÉCURITÉ...
  • Page 35: Depose Et Remise En Place

    All manuals and user guides at F R A N Ç A I S DEPOSE ET REMISE EN PLACE DEPOSE ET REMISE EN PLACE Figure 28 Figure 27 Après l’installation et le réglage, le dossier peut être facilement enlevé du fauteuil en cas de besoin. Pour enlever le dossier, poussez chaque levier de fixation vers l’avant (Fig.
  • Page 36 All manuals and user guides at Sunrise Medical Inc. • 2842 Business Park Ave. • Fresno, CA 93727 • USA In Canada (800) 263-3390 Customer Ser vice: 800.333.4000 ©2013 Sunrise Medical (US) LLC 06.13 103721 Rev. E...

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Table des Matières