1005318 - 1005325
1005327 - 1006709
1009770 - 1009771
2 M
1009772 - 1009773
1009774 - 1013491
1013520 - 1014690
1,75 M
1005317 - 1005324
1,5 M
1011754 - 1013521
1003970 - 1014659
In case of doubt, the lanyard should
not be used, since the energy absor-
ber was not designed to stop more
than one fall
If there is a risk of falling or if the
harness can only be anchored below
the hook point, a lanyard with an
energy absorber must absolutely be
used. Check before using an energy
absorbing lanyard and manyard that
there is enough clearance under the
user's feet to avoid any collision with
the structure or the ground. With a
mass of 100 kg and a fall factor situa-
tion of two (most unfavourable), the
headroom D is the stop distance H
(2L + 1.75 m) plus a supplementary
distance of 1 m, with length L (lanyard
+ energy absorber) Ex. For a lanyard
with energy absorber where L=2 m,
the minimum clearance D=6.75 m.
These instructions must be kept with
the product. Use the identifi cation
card for recording the labelling infor-
mation. The periodic inspection shall
check the equipment's eff ectiveness
and strength and is essential to gua-
rantee the user's safety. The PPE must
be inspected at least once a year by
the manufacturer or by an authorized
person and the inspection must be
logged in the identifi cation card. The
frequency of inspection must be in-
creased according to regulations, in
case of frequent use or use in harsh
environmental conditions. The legibi-
lity of the product labelling must be
checked.(picture 6)
The maximal life of PPE that is predo-
minantly textile is evaluated as being
10 years after the date of manufac-
ture, however, the following factors
may reduce the performance of the
product and the lifespan: incorrect
storage, incorrect use, fall arrest, me-
L Max
1 m 68 cm
1 m 46 cm
1 m 21 cm
chanical warping, contact with che-
micals (acids and alkalis), exposure to
high temperatures > 60°C.
If possible, to be used with achorage
devices (conformed to the EN 795
standard) or structural anchor. that is
to say elements fi xed to last, to a struc-
ture (wall, post...).
In all cases, check that the anchoring
Has a minimum resistance of
12 kN,
Is located above the operator
(cf. 10),
Is located within a vertical axis
of the work area (maximum
angle ±30°),
Adapts perfectly to the
equipment's attachment
Has no sharp edges.
Good maintenance and appropriate
storage of your PPE will prolong
the life of your product, while gua-
ranteeing your safety. The following
recommendations must be strictly
The product should be cleaned
with water and a mild soap.
Never use acidic or basic
Allow it to air dry in a well
ventilated area, away from
sources of heat. Store the
harness away from humidity
and ultraviolet light.
Avoid any corrosive, overheated
or refrigerated atmosphere.
Connector in conformity to standard
EN 362.
When the karabiner is used to attach
to an anchorage point, the recom-
mendations of the paragraph "AN-
CHORAGE POINT" are respected.
It is also possible to use a strap ring
(EN 795) or a line clamp (EN 362) in
order to connect to the anchorage
point. All scaff old and other karabiner
hooks conform to EN 362. The scaff old
hook is made from aluminium with
stainless steel closing latches and has
gate opening of 63mm. The minimum
breaking load is > 20kN. The remo-
vable karabiner may only be replaced
with another karabiner that conforms
to EN 362. Please read the user guide