Why It Is Pos Sib Le To Set The Ph Va Lue With Co - Dennerle pH-Controller Evolution DeLuxe Notice D'emploi

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GA EvolutionDeLuxe 1-06511-1107_GA pH ControllerEvol.Del. 13.06.2013 09:45 Seite 29
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7.3 Che cking the set pH va lue
• Press "pH" key: The green LED next to the key will flash; the dis play shows the set pH va lue.
• Af ter 3 sec. the ac tu al va lue ap pe ars again on the dis play, the green LED swit ches to con ti -
nu o us ly lit mo de and the con trol ler re su mes nor mal ope ra ti ons.
8 Con trol ope ra ti ons in nor mal ope ra ting mo de
Exam ple 1: Cur rent pH va lue in the aqua ri um = 7.5. You set pH 6.8.
The green "CO
sup ply" in di ca tor lamp lights up.
and CO
is sup plied (ac cor ding to the num ber of CO
need le val ve of the pres su re re du cer). CO
aqua ri um, af ter which the pH-Con trol ler swit ches off the so le no id val ve.
Exam ple 2: Cur rent pH va lue in the aqua ri um = 6.5. You have set pH 6.8.
The green "CO
sup ply" in di ca tor lamp does not go on. No CO
lue in the aqua ri um ri ses abo ve 6.9* will the pH-Con trol ler re ac ti va te the sup ply of CO
*When swit ching va lues of 0.1 are pre set (fac to ry set ting); see al so Point 10.2
9 pH va lue, CO
con tent and CO

9.1 Why it is pos sib le to set the pH va lue with CO

So me of the CO
con tent in wa ter dis sol ves to form car bo nic acid, the re by lo we ring the pH va -
lue. The ex tent to which the pH va lue is lo we red is de ter mi ned to a sub stan ti al de gree by the
car bo na te hard ness. The car bo na te hard ness acts as a buf fer and thus coun te racts lo we ring of
the pH va lue.
A pre ci se ly de fi ned cor re la ti on al ways ap plies bet ween CO
(see ta ble). When two va lues are known, the third can be cal cu la ted.
9.2 Set ting the right CO
For mag ni fi cent plant growth, DEN NER LE re com mends a CO
15 and 30 mg/l, whe re by 20 to 25 mg/l is ide al.
• Me a su re the car bo na te hard ness of the aqua ri um wa ter (tests avai lab le from spe cia list
re tail ers).
• Read the pH va lue which cor re sponds to the de si red CO
pH va lue on the pH-Con trol ler.
Exam ple: Car bo na te hard ness 4 °d, re com men ded pH 6.8.
Im port ant no te: On ly set such pH va lues and CO
cor ding to the car bo na te hard ness. Should you wish to set a pH of 6.5 for cer tain spe cies of fish,
for exam ple, the car bo na te hard ness should be lo we red to 2-3 °d. The CO
be hig her than 40 mg/l on a pro lon ged ba sis.
See al so the re le vant li te ra tu re on this sub ject or ask your pet spe cia list!
The con nec ted CO
bub bles per mi nu te set be fo re hand on the
is sup plied un til a pH va lue of 6.7* is at tai ned in the
is sup plied. On ly when the pH va -
sup ply le vel
con tent, car bo na te hard ness and pH
le vel and the right pH
le vel in the aqua ri um of bet ween
con tent from the ta ble. En ter this
con tent le vels as are to le rab le for your fish ac -
so le no id val ve is open
con tent should not


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