Dennerle pH-Controller Evolution DeLuxe Notice D'emploi page 26

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GA EvolutionDeLuxe 1-06511-1107_GA pH ControllerEvol.Del. 13.06.2013 09:45 Seite 26
Key / com po nent
Acou stic alarm
Dim dis play
In di ca tor lamp
for key pad lock
All manuals and user guides at
Func ti ons / mo de of ope ra ti on
Press key to ac ti va te the acou stic alarm (in ad di ti on to the vi sual alarm, see 1)
Press key again to switch off the acou stic alarm
Press key and ad just the bright ness of the dis play to the am bient light con di ti ons with "+" and "
The key pad lock pre vents un in ten tio nal al te ra ti on of the set tings (child-proof safe ty lock):
Press "Dim dis play" and "pH" si mul ta neo us ly to ac ti va te the key pad lock
Press key com bi na ti on on ce again to de ac ti va te the key pad lock
4 In stal la ti on
4.1 Mount the dis play on the wall
Fix the wall mount to the wall in the de si red po si ti on with the ar row fa cing up wards.
Sli de the dis play on to the wall mount from abo ve.
4.2 Con nect con nec ting lead and so le no id val ve
Slot the plug of the con nec ting lead from the dis play in to the ap pro pria te so cket on the po wer
unit and se cu re with the two lo cking screws.
Con nect the CO
so le no id val ve (DEN NER LE CO
4.3 Fix the elec tro de hol der in to place in the aqua ri um
Cho o se a point in the aqua ri um which is as dark as pos sib le and whe re the wa ter mo ve ment is
good. The top ed ge of the elec tro de hol der must be at least 1 cm abo ve the sur face of the wa ter
at all times.
4.4 Con nect the pH-elec tro de
Con nect the plug of the pH-elec tro de to the cor re spon ding so cket on the po wer unit.
Uns crew the lid of the sto ra ge tu be and ca re ful ly re mo ve the pH-elec tro de. Rin se the tip of the
elec tro de brief ly with aqua ri um wa ter in an ap pro pria te re cep ta cle to re mo ve re si du al KCl
so lu ti on. Lea ve the elec tro de in the re cep ta cle un til you car ry out ca lib ra ti on (see 5).
4.5 Switch on pH-Con trol ler
Con nect mains plug to the 230 V po wer sup ply. The de vi ce is now rea dy for use.
Be fo re the pH-Con trol ler can be used to con trol the pH va lue in the aqua ri um, all you now need
to do is to ca lib ra te the elec tro de. An "E" ap pe ars on the dis play of the pH-Con trol ler to in di ca te
that ca lib ra ti on is ne ces sa ry and the "Ca lib ra ti on re min der" LED lights up.
The yel low LED next to the "pH 7" key is in ten ded to re mind the user that ca lib ra ti on must al ways
be car ried out first of all at pH 7 and then at pH 4.
night cut-off val ve) to the so cket on the po wer


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