Operation Mode 6, 7, 8, 9: Stepping Operation (continued)
Normal sequence
A correct starting sequence is necessary to run the normal operating se-
quence. In the normal operating sequence the machine movement is si-
gnalled to the light curtain by opening and closing of the machine contact.
The output contacts of the BH 5902 are opened when the machine con-
tact opens. After that the operator must interrupt the LC for the required
number of times to start again the machine operation. All necessary steps
must be completed within 30 s. The demand to access is indicated on fast
flashing (3 Hz) output 48. When the required number of interruptions on
the LC is completed the lamp goes off and the contacts K1 and K2 close.
Machine contact
To the terminals S41 and S42 of the BH 5902 a machine contact must be
connected. It opens and closes depending on the machine movement.
Monitoring of the machine contact
2 ways of monitoring are selectable:
Mode 1
In this mode the access to the LC must only be done when the machine
contact has been openend and closed again. An exception is when the
access is done while the contact is open and still is going on while the
contact closes.
Mode 2
In this mode the accesses are accepted already when the machine con-
LC 1 (S12/S14)
Machine contact
K1, K2
(13-14, 23-24, 33-34)
wait for access (48)
wait for start (58)
: dark
Presses with normal to fast movement
tact is open. The machine is only enabled when all the accesses are com-
pleted and the machine contact is closed again.
Forbidden access into the light curtain
On forbidden access the lamp (on terminal 58) shows symmetric flashing.
LC 1 (S12/S14)
Machine contact
K1, K2
(13-14, 23-24, 33-34)
wait for access (48)
wait for start (58)
: dark
Presses with slow movement
: flashing 3Hz
: on
: flashing 3Hz
: on
The lamp on terminal 48 flashes with code 1. After finishing the access
the lamp on terminal 58 returns to permanent light and signalises, that the
machine can be started with the start button.
Start button (S43/S44)
LC 1 (S12/S14),LC 2
(S22/S24) o. LC 3 (S32/S34)
Machine contact
K1, K2
(13-14, 23-24, 33-34)
wait for access (48)
wait for start (58)
: off
: error code
: on
: flashing 1Hz
BH 5902/01MF2 / 26.01.21 en / 296A