Lift platform doesn't
The platform is
out with the roll
off-stop lowered
onto the ground
but the lift do not
The lift platform is
in raised position
and do not lower
when the button –
lower- is pressed.
The lift platform is
in the raised
position and do
not lower when
the -stow- button
is pressed
When lowering to
the stow position
the platform
downwards too
far to allow it to be
returned easily
into the box..
Roll-off-stop does
not lower
when platform is
lowered. – (The
All manuals and user guides at
possible causes
Wrong operation
Hand switch is defect
Battery is empty
Fuse is defect
The lift platform has
accidentally been pushed in
towards the vehicle. This can
be possible by running with a
powered wheelchair from the
platform or where the lift has
been brought out against a
gradient sloping down
toward the vehicle.
A defective –lift- switch on
the hand control or a bad
connection on the motor or
plug to the coiled lead.
A defective lowering valve on
the hydraulic pump.
A defective –lower- switch on
the hand control.
There is a limit switch that
defects when the platform is
fully extended and allows the
platform to be raised or
lowered either. If the roller
extension on this switch
becomes jammed the switch
and therefore the lift do not
operate. The switch is
mounted behind the bridge
plat on the left side of the lift
and is fixed to the drive gear.
The limit which senses when
the platform is in the correct
height requires adjustment.
An attempt is being made to
operate the lift onto a
surface for example a high
pavement where the kerb is
higher than the stow position
what to do
Press button „lowering" than
button „out"
Check connections- if
necessary change switch
Charge battery
Change fuse
Press the –out- button to
restore the lift to the correct
operating position. (NOTE: On
lifts built prior to 1997 the
platform will have to be pulled
outwards manually).
Return the lift platform into the
box by following the
emergency procedure as set
out in the operation manual
and then take the vehicle to
the nearest service agent.
In the case of both („1" and
„2") lower the platform by
following the emergency
procedure as set out in the
operation manual and take the
vehicle to a service agent.
Pull out the roller extension
manually and move it back and
forth several times to free it of.
If necessary loosen the switch
location screw
With a screw driver and a
hammer gently tap the cam
adjuster upwards but screw
should never be slackened.
Stow the platform back in the
box and move the vehicle to a
location where the pavement
or the ground is lower.