Remove the tailplane, and run the tip of a hot soldering iron just inside the marked
lines. Peel the unwanted film from the tailplane. If you prefer to use a knife, take great
care to cut through the film only - do not cut or score the wood.
The tailplane can now be re-fitted in its slot and aligned carefully as described earlier.
Pin it in place to prevent it shifting.
Carefully run thin cyano along the joint lines to form a permanent joint between the
tailplane and the fuselage.
The elevator hinges can now be pushed half-way into the elevators and glued in
The best way to do this is to fit the hinges into the elevators to a depth of about 1
mm, then apply a drop of cyano top and bottom before quickly pushing the hinge into
the control surface to the half-way point. Allow the glue to set hard, then fit the
projecting hinges in the slots in the tailplane, again to a depth of about 1 mm. Apply a
drop of cyano top and bottom as before, and quickly push the hinges into the slots.
Leave a gap about 0.5 mm wide between the tailplane and the elevators.
Allow the glue to harden, then glue the horns in the slots in both elevators as
described below:
Cut the horn slots in the elevators using a sharp knife, as shown in the photos. Insert
the horns and set them in exactly the same position on both sides, i.e. the linkage
holes for the clevises must be the same distance from the hinge pivot axis on both
Use your fingertips to locate the pushrod exit slots on both sides of the fuselage, and
cut away the covering film over them using a sharp balsa knife.
Thread the two elevator pushrods through the slots, fit the M2 locknuts and clevises
on the threaded ends, and connect the clevises to the outer holes in the elevator
The slots for the fin and the bottom rudder hinge can now be opened up using a
sharp balsa knife or a hot soldering iron.
Glue the hinges in the rudder and then the fin, as described for the elevators.
Fit the fin in the slot, ensuring that it makes solid contact with its supports at the
bottom and front.
With the fin in this position, mark the shape of the fuselage on both sides of the fin
using a felt-tip pen. Remove the fin, slit the film with a sharp balsa knife or melt it
using the tip of a hot soldering iron, then peel off the film below the marked lines.
Work slightly inside the lines.
Glue the fin in its slot, gluing the bottom hinge in the slot in the fuselage at the same
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