6 - Press the pedestrian pushbutton PED.Button, gate closes and the Pedestrian
Automatic Closing time is stored (see DIP3 function to enable or disable the Automatic
Closing feature).
7 - Turn DIP1 to Off position
8 - Turn DIP2 to Off position
Make sure that any other type of command accessories (e.g. mass detectors)
used on the installation are set in the IMPULsIVE mode, otherwise, the gate will
be operated even without the protection of the safety devices.
sTEP BY sTEP or AUTOMATIC commands (K BUTT, PED.Button)
The K BUTT and PED.Button perform the step by step cyclic command open-
DIP5 - Off
The K BUTT and PED.Button perform the automatic command:
- the open command, if pressed with the gate completely closed
- the close command, if pressed with the gate completely opened
- no effect, if pressed during the gate opening
- the gate re-open, if pressed while the gate is closing
The K BUTT opens the gate completely, whereas the PED.Button opens the gate partially
as described in Point E.
sTEP BY sTEP or AUTOMATIC commands (radio command)
The RADIO COMMAND perform the step by step cyclic command open-
DIP4 - Off
The RADIO COMMAND perform the automatic command:
- the open command, if pressed with the gate completely closed
- the close command, if pressed with the gate completely opened
- no effect, if pressed during the gate opening
- the gate re-open, if pressed while the gate is closing
The button controls the opening movement when the gate is stationary. If activated while
closing, it reopens the gate.
If you want the Clock function must request s1 with firmware 03.
The Clock Function permits to keep the gate opened even if, for example, the Automatic
Closing is enabled (DIP3 ON) or somebody commands the gate closing.
It is useful during rush hours, when traffic is heavy and the flow is slow (e.g. entrance/exit of
employees, emergencies in residential areas or car parks and, temporarily, for removal vans)
and it's necessary to keep the gate opened.
It is necessary to request a s1 control panel with firmware 03.
It can be done by connecting a switch and/or a daily/weekly clock either in parallel to the
OPEN button or instead of the OPEN button. When the control board receives this command,
the gate will open and by keeping this contact closed for all the time of the gate opening,
the Clock Function is automatically activated. In fact, once reached the open position, the
gate will remain opened and all of the control board functions are blocked. Only when OPEN
contact is released, the control board functions are re-activated and the gate will close
PEDEsTrIAN command (PED.Button - COM)
This command is useful to open the gate partially, just enough, for example, to permit a
pedestrian crossing, see Point E procedure. From the Pedestrian opening position the
Automatic Closing can be enabled or disabled with DIP3. From the Pedestrian opening
position, the gate can be completely opened by the OPEN or by the K BUTT button or by
the RADIO button.
AUTOMATIC CLOsING (from the COMPLETE open position)
The Automatic Closing from the complete open position can be enabled turning ON the DIP3.
The maximum gap of time that can be programmed is 5 minutes (see Point D).
AUTOMATIC CLOsING (from the PEDEsTrIAN open position)
The Automatic Closing from the pedestrian open position can be enabled turning ON the
DIP3. The maximum gap of time that can be programmed is 5 minutes (see Point E).
In case the switch DIP6 is in the OFF position, the photocells are active both in gate opening
and in gate closing. In this configuration, if an obstacle cuts the photocell beam:
- while the gate is closing, the gate will open
- while the gate is opening, the gate will stop and will restart opening when the obstacle
is removed
- while the gate is still, it will not move neither in opening nor in closing
In case of the switch DIP6 is in the ON position, the photocells are active only in gate closing.
In this configuration, if an obstacle cuts the photocell beam:
- while the gate is closing, the gate will open
- while the gate is opening, the gate will continue open
- while the gate is still, it will open if a open command is request, it will remain still if a
close command is request.
The photocell input (PHOT - COM) is a NORMALLY CLOSED contact.
In case there are more couple of photocells, the contacts from all the photocell receivers
could be connected in series.
In case the photocells are not installed, this contact must be short circuited with a wire jump
(from PHOT to COM) to permit the gate to operate.
AUTOMATIC CLOsING after the transit through the photocell (DIP17 ON)
This option could be useful to close automatically the gate when the vehicle left and
disengaged the photocell beam. If the DIP17 is turned ON, this function is activated and the
PHOTO input will have two purposes:
- detect the obstacle and prevent the gate movement in according with the DIP6 position
- close the gate as soon as the vehicle leaves the photocell beam
If DIP17 ON and DIP6 Off
If the gate is opening and a vehicle crosses the photo beam, the gate will stop. When
the vehicle leaves, the gate will close automatically after 1second pause.
If DIP17 ON and DIP6 ON
If the gate is opening and a vehicle crosses the photo beam, the gate will continue to
open. When the vehicle leaves, the gate will stop and then closes automatically after
1second pause.
If the complete gate open position is reached before the vehicle leaving, the DIP17 will be
ignored and the automatic closing will be managed in according to the DIP3 position.
PAY ATTENTION: it is highly recommended to check photocells operation at least
every 6 months.
If an obstacle presses the safety strip:
- while the gate is still, it will not move neither in opening nor in closing
- while the gate is closing, the gate will open
- while the gate is opening, the gate will close
In case the safety strip is held pressed a further quick reversion, after 2seconds, is
performed. The gate interrupts any movement and this alarm state will be signalled by the
Blinker for 1 minute. The normal gate operations can be restored by pressing any push button
or radio commands.
If after the first safety strip obstacle detection, the safety strip is released and then
engaged again before the end of the gate travelling, the gate interrupts any movement and
this alarm state will be signalled by the Blinker for 1 minute. The normal gate operations can
be restored by pressing any push button or radio commands.
The safety strip input (EDGE - COM) is a NORMALLY CLOSED contact.
In case there are more than one safety strip, all their contacts could be connected in series.
In case the safety strip is not installed, this contact must be short circuited with a wire
jump (from EDGE to COM) to permit the gate to operate.
PAY ATTENTION: it is highly recommended to check safety-strips operation at least
every 6 months.
TEsTING THE sAfETY sTrIP equipment (DIP12 ON)
The DIP12 ON enables the Test of safety strip equipment. The Test is performed every time
the gate completes a full opening. It is suitable only if the safety strip device is equipped with
a dedicated power supply input.
In fact, the safety strip equipment power supply input has to be connected to the A+TEST
and A- outputs (DIP12 ON). Automatically, every time the gate completes a full opening, just
before closing, the control board switches OFF the A+TEST and A- power supply output
for a very short time. While the safety strip power supply is switched OFF, if everything is
working fine the safety strip contact (EDGE - COM) must open. In case the test fails, no