Grip angle adjustment
The SQlab 7OX , 711 (2.0) and 711 ltd. RUH
grips have a scale on their clamping rings.
The neutral posi tion and the initial position
on first mount ing should be so that the „0"
of the scale is pointing directly upwards.
Make sure that the enlarged support sur-
face of the grips is aligned so that it fits
exactly to the support surface of the hand.
The tendency is to turn the SQlab 7OX and
711 (2.0) grips forward.
For SQlab 702 and 710 grips, at first the
grip should be set so that the writing at the
end of the grip is horizontal. Starting from
there, you must align the grip with your sit-
ting position and wrist position.
The SQlab STUBY and SQlab STUBY short
should always be adjusted properly. The
wing has to be horizontal and the barends
have to face in the direction of travel.
Do not set the wing too high for 702, 710, 710 short, STUBY and STUBY short. The wing
should only support the hand when driving and with the pressure that occurs under
normal circumstances.
• A wing set too high would prevent the wrist from buckling downwards, but at higher
speeds and the correspondingly higher forces, it can impair grip security.
• Please note the Ergonomics Tips on in the Ergonomics - Hand sec-
When mounting the Model 710 short on twist grips for Pinion gear shifts designa-
ted DS2, compatibility issues arise. These compatibility problems can be solved by
using two seal rings from Pinion.