2. After repositioning, thoroughly rinse the
impression with water and then dry.
3. Apply Honigum-Light around the prepara-
tion and on the pre-impression.
4. Position the tray in the mouth within the
working time, slowly and using very little
force, and allow the impression to form.
5. Remove the impression from the mouth
once the setting time has ended; see
"Removal" on page 14
▸ Remove the impression parallel to the longi-
tudinal axis of the prepared teeth.
▸ Then proceed as described under "Cleaning
and disinfection of the final impression" on
page 14 .
Cleaning and disinfection of the final
▸ Only disinfect the final impression using dip-
ping solutions. DMG recommends the use
of a 2% glutaraldehyde solution.
▸ Please ensure that the disinfectant used is
indicated for use with addition curing silicone
impression materials.
▸ Follow the instructions of the disinfectant
solution's manufacturer precisely!
▸ Leave the final impression to dry and store
until casting; see "Storage of the impression"
on page 15
▸ For more information, refer to the comments
of the DGZMK. Comments of the DGZMK
3/93 V 1.0; www.dgzmk.de
▸ ADA recommends following Council on Den-
tal Materials, Instruments and Equipment.
Disinfection of impressions. JADA 1991;122(3):110;
Casting and galvanization
▸ The impression should be cast 30 minutes at
the earliest after removal from the mouth.
DMG recommends using special purpose hard
plaster (ISO 6873; Type 3, e.g. Moldano, Bayer)
for the cast and an ultra hard dental plaster for
the forms (ISO 6873; Type 4, e.g. Fujirock II, GC).