4 mm displacement sensor system series ds822 ATEX
Setting up the measuring chain and the displacement sensor
The displacement sensor should preferably be adjusted when the rotor is stationary.
4.4.1 Measurement set-up
0 V
-24 V
-24 V
As a rule, a displacement measuring chain is adjusted with the help of a voltmeter and the
"operating voltage".
The measuring system is adjusted through the position of the sensor type to the object to be
measured. The displacement sensor is inserted and fixed in place by positioning it in the linear
measuring range (see drawing). To avoid damaging the sensor tip, the prescribed minimum
separation to the shaft (maximum displacement) must be maintained.
The minimum separation from the target must be chosen in such a way that, with maximum dis-
placement of the shaft (axial or relative to the shaft), the separation cannot fall below 0,5 mm. In
case of an axial measurement, the axial bearing clearance design and the current position of
the shaft must be considered in order to prevent damage to the sensor tip.
The displacement sensor system is fully assembled and connected to a power supply and
a monitoring system.
The physical separation should lie between 0,5 mm bis max. 4,5 mm.
Switch on the voltage for the driver.
You will obtain an output signal proportional to the measurement distance in the range
2 V...-18 V. Adjust the separation of the sensor until the required output signal is present.
Use the characteristic curve U [GAP] to determine your minimum distance.
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| Installation
min. 0,5 mm
0 V
operating range
-18 V
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