periodicamente in funzione dell'uso.
• Controlla i collegamenti del tubo gas, del cavo torcia e
del cavo massa. • Pulisci con una spazzola di ferro l'ugello
portacorrente ed il diff usore gas. Sostituiscili se sono usurati. •
Pulisci la saldatrice all'esterno con un panno umido.
Ad ogni sostituzione della bobina di fi lo:
• Controlla l'allineamento, la pulizia e lo stato di usura del rullino
trainafi lo Fig.7 • Asporta la polvere metallica che si deposita
sul meccanismo trainafi lo. • Pulisci la guaina guidafi lo con
solventi anidri e sgrassanti ed asciuga con aria compressa. •
Controlla l'usura delle Etichette di avvertenza. • Sostituisci le
parti usurate.
Manutenzione straordinaria eff ettuabile da personale esperto
o qualifi cato in ambito elettromeccanico periodicamente, in
funzione dell'uso.
• Ispeziona l'interno della saldatrice e rimuovi la polvere
depositata sulle parti elettriche (usa aria compressa) e sulle
schede elettroniche (usa una spazzola molto morbida o dei
prodotti appropriati).
• Verifi ca che le connessioni elettriche siano ben serrate e che
i cablaggi non abbiano l'isolante danneggiato.
Ulteriori simboli utilizzati
Saldatura MIG manuale
Saldatura MIG sinergica
Saldatura MMA
Saldatura TIG
Tipo di materiale selezionato (icona rappresentativa)
Tipo di gas selezionato (icona rappresentativa)
Tipo di selezionato (icona rappresentativa)
Simbolo torcia in funzione
Instruction Manual
Read this instruction manual carefully before using the welding
The MMA, TIG, MIG/MAG arc welding systems, Plasma cutting
systems referred to herein as "machine" are for industrial and
professional use.
Make sure that the machine is installed and repaired only by
qualifi ed persons or experts, in compliance with the law and
with the accident prevention regulations.
Make sure that the operator is trained in the use and risks
connected to the arc-welding process / plasma cutting process
and in the necessary measures of protection and emergency
Detailed information can be found in the "Installation and use
of arc-welding equipment" brochure: IEC or CLC/TS 62081.
950005-00 01/03/21
Safety warnings
Make sure that the power socket to which the machine
machine is connected is protected by suitable safety devices
(fuses or automatic switch) and that it is grounded.
Make sure that the plug and power cable are in good condition.
Before plugging into the power socket, make sure that the
machine is switched off .
Switch the machine off and pull the plug out of the power
socket as soon as you have fi nished working.
Switch the machine off and pull the plug out of the power
socket before connecting the welding cables, installing the
continuous wire, replacing any parts in the torch or wire feeder,
carrying out maintenance operations, or moving it (use the
carrying handle on the machine).
Do not touch any electrifi ed parts with bare skin or wet clothing.
Insulate yourself from the electrode, the piece to be cut and
any grounded accessible metal parts. Use gloves, footwear
and clothing designed for this purpose and dry, non-fl ammable
insulating mats.
Use the machine in a dry, ventilated space. Do not expose
the welding machine to rain or direct sunshine.
Use the machine only if all panels and guards are in place
and mounted correctly.
Do not use the machine if it has been dropped or struck, as
it may not be safe. Have it checked by a qualifi ed person or
an expert.
Eliminate any welding (cutting) fumes through appropriate
natural ventilation or using a smoke exhauster. A systematic
approach must be used to assess the limits of exposure to
welding (cutting) fumes, depending on their composition,
concentration and the length of exposure.
Do not weld (cut) materials that have been cleaned with
chloride solvents or that have been near such substances.
Use a welding mask with inactinic glass suitable for welding
(cutting) operations. Replace the mask if damaged; it may let
in radiation.
Wear fi reproof gloves, footwear and clothing to protect the skin
from the rays produced by the welding arc and from sparks. Do
not wear greasy garments as a spark could set fi re to them.
Use protective screens to protect people nearby.
Do not allow bare skin to come into contact with hot metal
parts, such as the torch, electrode holder grippers, electrode
stubs, or freshly cut pieces.
Metal-working gives off sparks and splinters. Wear safety
goggles with protective side eye guards.
Welding (cutting) sparks can trigger fi res.
Do not weld or cut anywhere near infl ammable materials,
gasses or vapours.
Do not weld or cut containers, cylinders, tanks or piping unless
a qualifi ed technician or expert has checked that it is possible
to do so, or has made the appropriate preparations.
Remove the electrode from the electrode holder gripper when
you have completed the welding operations. Make sure that
no part of the electrode holder gripper electric circuit touches
the ground or earth circuits: accidental contact could cause
overheating or trigger a fi re.
EMF Electromagnetic Fields
Welding current creates electromagnetic fi elds (EMF) near the