13. To fine tune boot position and flexion, support boot heel with one hand and,
with the other, loosen boot-clamping mechanism roughly ¼ turn. Use both
hands to support and adjust boot to desired position. Tighten clamping
mechanism securely. As shown in figure Below.
14. Perform a final check to ensure that the patient's heels are properly seated in
the heels of the boots and that there are no pressure points on the calf. The leg
must be centered in the boot to eliminate pressure on the peroneal nerve.
Close the boot pad.
Additional positioning devices should be used when using the leg holder in
Trendelenburg or reverse Trendelenburg.
Device controls and indicators:
Attach Rail Clamp at
Patient Hip Joint and
Mount Stirrup. Handles
Should Mount on the
Outside. The Boot
Should Cradle the
Upper Calf
Turning the Twist
Control Handle to use
Abduction and
Adduction, and
Lithotomy Controls of
the Stirrup
Document Number: 80028260
Version: B
This Symbol Represent the Patient's Right
Page 14
Loosen Control
Handle to Adjust
Flexion, Extension,
Adduction and
Ensure Control
Handles Are Tight
Ensure Rail Clamp
with Stirrup Mounted is
Aligned with Patient's
Hip. Toe, Knee and
Opposing Shoulder
Should Be Aligned
Issue Date: 20 MAR 2020
Ref Blank Template: 80025118 Ver. E