The Rope Grab will work properly only when used with a lifeline meeting the specifications
supplied by MSA. Use of any substitute may result in serious injury or death.
Improper installation of the device on the lifeline will prevent free movement over the line and
prevent locking of the device on the line during a fall.
Never grasp a rope grab while moving. In the event of a fall, grasping a rope grab may interfere
with its fall arresting capabilities.
When working near the end of a lifeline, tie a knot at the end of the vertical lifeline to prevent the
rope grab from sliding off the end of the vertical lifeline.
Never tie a knot in the vertical lifeline between the anchorage and the rope grab as this may seve-
rely reduce the strength of the vertical lifeline.
Failure to follow these warnings may result in serious injury or death.
Rope Grab Subsystem