Green Star™ - The Health Juicer
Literature Recommendations
Here is a short list of books that impressed
us and might help you to make your life
Elysa Markowitz:
Living with
Green Star
Extensive Raw Food
Recipe Collection for
Gourmets. Obligatory for
every Green Star™ lover!
Wolfe, David:
The Sunfood Diet Success System
36 Lessons in Health Transformation. The defi-
nitive book on the raw food lifestyle.
Published by Nature's First Law.
Gerson, Dr. Max:
A Cancer Therapy
Results of fifty cases and the cure of advanced
cancer. An essential component of Gerson's
therapy is drinking freshly pressed, not centri-
fugated juices in short periods.
Published by Gerson Inst.
Murray, Michael T.:
The New Juice Book
"Complete Book of Juicing: Your Delicious
Guide to Youthful Vitality." Over 150 fabulous
fruit and vegetable juice recipes.
Published by Three Rivers Press.
Baker, Elizabeth:
The Gourmet Uncook Book
The Elegance of Raw Foods. The original raw-
food recipe book.
Published by Promotion Pub.
Kenney, Matthew; Melngailis, Sarma:
Raw Food Real World
100 Recipes to Get the Glow
A collection of raw food recipes by the head
chefs of "Pure Food and Wine", a popular New
York raw food restaurant.
Published by ReganBooks, U.S.
Meyerowitz, Steve:
Wheatgrass - Nature's
Finest Medicine.
"The Complete Guide to Using Grass Foods &
Juices to Revitalize Your Health".
Published by Book Publishing Company.
Everything you need to know about wheat-
grass the wonder plant and its miracle cures.
Including: How to grow it, juice it, take it and
create a total health restoration program.
Walker, Norman:
Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices
A man who reached the age of 99 years drin-
king his juices knew better than others what is
good for your health. He recommends a spe-
cial juice mixture for every illness.
Published by Norwalk Press.