4. Slide open end of axle through caddy
left making sure the leg slot lines up
with the cradle hole. Slide all the way
through the caddy right. Light taps with
a mallet may be required to fully insert
5. Install second wheel onto axle with
smooth portion of wheel facing
6. Install the second cap nut. Tap gently
until cap nut is firmly seated
7. Using a rubber mallet or hammer,
gently tap the wheel cap onto the right
wheel until the wheel cap is firmly
seated onto the wheel. This is required
on both left and right sides.
8. Insert the caster stem into the socket
of the caster foot as shown. (Front
caster only).
9. With a slight twisting motion, push on
the caster until the ball on the caster
stem is inserted all the way into the
socket. You will be able to hear the ball
snap into the socket and the caster will
swivel easily when positioning is
Installing Handle
Press and hold release buttons while
installing handle into handle receptacles
in drum (See illustration).
NOTE: An audible snap of release
buttons indicates successful engagement
of handle.
Removing Handle
Press and hold release buttons as
shown. While firmly pushing in release
buttons, pull handle upwards to remove
(see illustration).
Caster Stem
Caster Ball