1. Receiving vessel (Aquarium,
sump etc.)
2. Dosing pump
3. Dispensing vessel
liquid supplement container
4. Non-return valve
Fig. 1: Installation method for dosing from a dispensing vessel, including a non-return valve. The
non-return valve will prevent water flowing back down the pressure hose. In any case, the outlet
should always be positioned above the surface level of the receiving vessel. This prevents the
storage tank syphoning out should the pump stop with the drive axle in a horizontal position.
Fig. 2: Installation method for operating a Calcium reactor or Nitratereductor with the SP 1500.
The pump should be mounted above the aquarium or sump to prevent any problems that may
arise should the pump hose leak. The outlet should always be positioned above the surface level of
the aquarium.
1. Aquarium
2. Dosing pump
3. Calcium / Nitrate
4. Non-return valve