(a) Soak the dog thoroughly.
(b) Apply shampoo and work into a good lather.
(c) Pay particular attention to the rectum and pads (bottom of the paws).
(d) Be careful also not to get soap in the dog's eyes (for safety use a "tear- free" shampoo).
(e) Rinse very thoroughly.
(f) Squeeze legs, ears and tail.
(g) Towel dry
(h) Fluff dry or brush and dry.
• Start with the legs using a wire brush and moving up to the body.
• Direct dryer to the area you are brushing. Do one spot at a time.
• Use light, fluffing strokes.
• There should be no snags or tangles when you are done.
Because their hair grows so rapidly, poodles need to be
groomed much more often than other breeds.
Clipping the Feet
1) The feet are cut with a Wahl Regular Blade #1037-400.
2) The adjustment lever is in the Coarse Position (#10 position)
3) Clipping is done "Against the grain" (Fig. #6)
(a) Sit the dog on the table facing you.
(b) Bring rear leg forward near front leg (Fig. #7)
(c) Clip sides of foot from NAIL to end of toes.
(d) Clip hair on top of toes using the natural stop at the ankle joint-do not trim up the ankle.
NOW—Set Blade Adjustment Lever in middle between COARSE and FINE (#15 Position). Use Wahl Regular Blade #1037-400.
(e) Being careful not to nick the foot webbing, use your free hand with the thumb on top (Fig. #8) and your forefinger, underneath to spread the toes apart.
Cut the hair between the toes.
(f) Follow the same step and do the other 3 feet.
(g) Again grasp the rear leg and bring it toward you.
(h) Spread bottom pads with your thumb (Fig. #9) and cut hair between the toes and pads. Again, DO NOT NICK the webbing.
(i) Do the other three feet.
(j) Check feet for any stray hair.
Clipping the Tail
• Clipping the TOP of the tail is done AGAINST the GRAIN.
• Clipping the BOTTOM of the tail is done WITH the GRAIN.
Use Wahl Regular Blade #1037-400 with Blade Adjustment lever in #15 position.
1) Stand dog with his tail toward you.
2) Hold tail with free hand and cut the top and sides from the middle toward the body.
3) Clip bottom from the body toward the middle (Fig. #10).
4) Comb out pompom (ball at end of tail).
5) Use SCISSORS-Trim around pompom to make the largest ball possible (Fig. #11)
6) With SCISSORS- CAREFULLY clip around the anal opening.
Clipping Face and Throat
CAUTION-This is a very sensitive area, too close of cut may cause razor burns.
SUGGESTION: You may want to "rough trim" the face and throat by first clipping WITH THE GRAIN.
BEFORE YOU START CUTTING read these points:
1) The area to be clipped (Figure 12 to 15).
2) Turn the ears back or place a rubber band behind the head.
3) Figure #12 shows the boundary of the area to be clipped.
4) The clipper is NOT used above the eyes.
5) Use a RUBBER BAND or CLOTH BAND to keep the topknot (bangs) out of the clipping area.
1) Sit dog on table facing you.
2) Hold muzzle (upper jaw and nose area) shut with your free hand.
3) Begin your cut from left ear to the outside of the left eye in a STRAIGHT LINE.
4) With your left hand, stretch the skin at the outside corner of left eye upward and backward. Clip CAREFULLY under the eye. USE Figure #12 as your guide.
5) Do the same thing on the right side. Hold the clipper with your left hand and the muzzle with your right. USE Figure #13 as your guide.
6) Using the thumb of your free hand, keep the skin stretched at the
corner of the mouth and your hand itself to hold the mouth closed.
• Clip around the mouth and lips.
• Clip the cheek and side of face.
• REVERSE the procedure on the other side
7) With your free hand, hold the muzzle and clip the area looking like an upside down "V" between the eyes and down the nose. DO NOT cut above the eyes.
8) Clip the muzzle-clip away from the eyes toward the nose.
9) Hold your dog's head and clip the bottom of the muzzle (Figure #15). The Adam's apple area is usually the stopping point of cut but you may clip lower.
10) Clip the rest of the throat area toward the muzzle. The face and throat look like the outline in Figure #12 thru #15.