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Gilson pipetman Guide Rapide page 7


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Regulatory Compliance
Gilson certifies on its sole responsibility that
PIPETMAN M Connected complies with the requirements
of the following standards:
Standards for EU
2014/30/EU Electromagnetic compatibility, EMC
2014/35/EU low Voltage Directive, lVD
2014/53/EU radio Equipment Directive
Standards for UK
Electromagnetic Compatibility, regulation 2016,
Bs EN standard 61326-1
Electrical Equipment (safety), regulation 2016,
Bs EN standard 61010-1
This Bluetooth-enabled device also complies with the
following requirements:
UsA, User information: Contains FCC ID: 2AAQs-IsP1507
Canada, User information: Contains IC: 11306A-IsP1507
Japan, TElEC certification n°207-16IsP5
The WEEE symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin), according
to the European Directive 2012/19/EU, indicates separate
collection for WEEE – Waste of Electrical and
Electronic Equipment. Do not dispose electronic
devices and their batteries in a household bin. Use
the recycling path in place in your country.
Gilson warrants this pipette against defects in material under
normal use and service for a period of 24 months from the date
of purchase. This warranty shall not apply to pipettes that have
been subjected to abnormal use and/or improper or inadequate
maintenance (contrary to the recommendations given in the
user's guide), including, but not limited to pipettes that have
been subjected to physical damage, improper handling, or
spillage or exposure to any corrosive environment. This warranty
shall also be void in the event pipettes are altered or modified
by any party other than Gilson or its designates. Gilson's sole
liability under this warranty shall be limited to, at Gilson's sole
option, repair or replacement of any defective components of
pipettes or refund of the purchase price paid for such pipettes.
the FOreGOiNG WarraNtY iS eXClUSiVe aNd GilSON
hereBY diSClaiMS all Other WarraNtieS, Whether
eXPreSS Or iMPlied, iNClUdiNG aNY WarraNtieS OF
MerChaNtaBilitY aNd aNY WarraNtieS OF FitNeSS
FOr a PartiCUlar PUrPOSe, UNder NO CirCUMStaNCeS
Shall GilSON Be liaBle FOr aNY CONSeQUeNtial,
PUNitiVe, iNdireCt Or iNCideNtal daMaGeS ariSiNG
OUt OF aNY BreaCh OF aNY eXPreSS Or iMPlied
| ©2021 Gilson SAS. All rights reserved.



Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Pipetman m connected