all Wiring Must be Done by a QualiFieD eleCtriCian anD shall be in CoMplianCe With
loCal CoDes. in the absenCe oF loCal CoDes, use the Current Csa C22.1
CanaDian eleCtriC CoDe (in CanaDa) or the ansi/nFpa no. 70 national eleCtriC CoDe
Do noT ConneCT This aPPlianCe To a ChimneY FlUe serving anoTher aPPlianCe. Do
proviDe aDeQuate ClearanCe For serviCing anD operating the applianCe.
obJeCts plaCeD in Front oF the aPPlianCe Must be Kept a MiniMuM oF 48" (1219 mm)
Before beginning your installation, consult with your local building code agency or fire officials and
insurance representative to ensure compliance.
Non-toxic smoke will be emitted during the paint curing process, to help dissipate the smoke open a
window near the appliance.
Remove any dust or debris off the top of the appliance before firing the appliance as the paint will be-
come soft as the appliance heats up and will harden as the appliance cures. To cure the paint on your
appliance burn your appliance moderately hot during the first few fires.
To keep the gasket from sticking to the appliance as the paint is curing, periodically open the door
every 5-10 minutes.
For the first two weeks use generous amounts of fuel and burn the appliance with the damper wide
open for an hour as the appliance goes through a process of eliminating moisture in the steel and fire-
bricks. The initial heat output will be reduced while the moisture is being drawn from the appliance and
it will be necessary to build several hot fires to remove this moisture. DUring This ProCess Do
noT overFire The aPPlianCe. reDUCe The amoUnT oF air Coming inTo The aPPli-
anCe iF the applianCe or ChiMney beCoMes reD.
W415-1133 / A / 06.12.13
in The UniTeD sTaTes.
not ConneCt to any air Distribution DuCt or systeM.
proviDe aDeQuate ventilation.
never obstruCt the Front opening oF the applianCe.
From The FronT FaCe oF The aPPlianCe.
Do not install in a Mobile hoMe.