a ChimneY Fire Can PermanenTlY Damage YoUr ChimneY sYsTem. This Damage Can
only be repaireD by replaCing the DaMageD CoMponent parts. ChiMney Fires are
Run-away fi res can be the result of FOUR major factors:
1. Using incorrect fuel, or small fuel pieces which would normally be used as kindling.
2. Leaving the door ajar too long and creating extreme temperatures as the air rushes in the open door.
3. Improperly installed or worn gaskets.
4. Creosote build up in the chimney.
1. Do not burn treated or processed wood, coal, charcoal, coloured paper or cardboard.
2. Be careful not to over fi re the appliance by leaving the door open too long after the initial start-up.
3. Replace worn, dried out (infl exible) gaskets.
4. Have chimney regularly cleaned.
whaT To Do iF a rUn-awaY or ChimneY Fire sTarTs:
1. Close the draft fully (lowest position) by shutting off thermostat, make sure fi re box and ash removal doors
are closed tightly and make sure by bypass damper is closed.
2. Call the local fi re department.
3. Examine the chimney, attic and roof of the house, to see if any part has become hot enough to catch fi re.
If necessary spray with a fi re extinguisher or water from a garden hose.
4. Do not operate the appliance again until you are certain the chimney has not been damaged.
Both the chimney and the appliance must be inspected and cleaned if necessary at least once a year.
For serious wood burners, chimney cleaning must be done as needed to avoid chimney fi res; the venting
systems for controlled combustion appliances may need cleaning as often as once a month. These rates,
however, depend on the burning habits of the individual operating the appliance. For example, it is possible to
clog a solid fuel appliance chimney in a few days if slow, smoldering fi res are burned and the chimney is cold.
noTe: appliances burned consistently without hot fi res may result in signifi cant creosote
accumulations in the chimney.
Certain items and considerations are important in chimney cleaning:
Proper tools should be used, including a brush specifi cally designed for chimney cleaning.
The chimney connector and dampers as well as the chimney should be cleaned.
The appliance's fi rebox and baffl e system should be cleaned if needed.
The chimney should be inspected and repairs made if needed, preferably by a qualifi ed chimney
sweep or mason.
not CovereD by the liFetiMe liMiteD Warranty.
W415-1133 / A / 06.12.13