alWays operate this applianCe With the Door CloseD anD latCheD eXCept During
sTarT UP anD re-FUeling. alwaYs wear gloves To PrevenT inJUrY. Do noT leave The
Fire unattenDeD When the Door is unlatCheD as unstable WooD CoulD Fall out oF
never leave ChilDren unattenDeD When there is a Fire burning in the applianCe.
never Use gasoline, gasoline-TYPe lanTern FUel, Kerosene, CharCoal lighTer
FluiD, or siMilar liQuiDs to start or 'Freshen up' a Fire in this applianCe. Keep all
obJeCts plaCeD in Front oF the applianCe shoulD be Kept a MiniMuM oF 48"
any MoDiFiCation oF the applianCe that has not been approveD in Writing by the
testing authority is ConsiDereD breaChing Csa b365 (CanaDa) anD ansi nFpa 211
open air Control (anD DaMper When FitteD) beFore opening Firing Door.
hoT while in oPeraTion, KeeP ChilDren, CloThing anD FUrniTUre awaY. ConTaCT maY
burning your applianCe With the Doors open or aJar Creates a Fire haZarD that
the eXhaust gases FroM this applianCe Contain CheMiCals WhiCh on soMe
oCCasions May inCluDe Carbon MonoXiDe. Carbon MonoXiDe is an oDorless,
tasteless, Clear Colorless gas WhiCh is highly toXiC. syMptoMs oF Carbon
DioXiDe poisoning range FroM Flu liKe syMptoMs oF heaDaChes, running nose,
anD nausea. ContinueD eXposure Can bring on DroWsiness, DiZZiness, voMitting,
anD evenTUallY CaUse UnConCioUsness anD DeaTh. even low ConCenTraTions are
supspeCteD oF Causing birth DeFeCt anD other reproDuCtive harM.
Failure to properly vent or supply CoMbustion air to this applianCe Can Cause
Your Timberwolf EPA listed product is a Hi-tech appliance, designed with the most advanced technology. The appli-
ance is extremely airtight.
The first fire(s) in your appliance will be difficult to get going and keep going with little amount of heat being gener-
ated. This is a result of the moisture being driven out of the fire brick. Allow 30 to 40 hours of hot fires (temperatures in
excess of 500°F - 600°F (260°C - 316°C) before your appliance will perform normally. During the break-in period (the
first 2 or 3 fires) create only small, hot fires using kindling; this will allow the firebrick to cure. Do not be alarmed if small
hairline cracks develop in the firebrick. This is a normal occurrence and does not pose a safety hazard. The paint may
also smell a little for the first few fires as it cures and you may wish to open a door or window to alleviate the smell.
To start, a brisk fire is required. Place loosely crumpled paper on the floor of the appliance and cover with dry kindling.
Open the air control fully by sliding control all the way to the right. Light the paper and leave the door slightly ajar (one
inch) until all kindling is burning. To maintain a brisk fire, a hot coal bed must be established and sustained.
Slowly add larger wood (2x4 (51mm x 102mm) size pieces). Lay the pieces lengthwise from side to side in the hot
coal bed with a shallow trench between, so that the primary air can flow directly into this trench and ignite the fuel
above. When the fire seems to be at its peak, medium sized logs may be added. Once these logs have caught fire,
carefully close the door. (Closing the door too quickly after refueling will reduce the firebox temperature and result in
an unsatisfactory burn.) Remember it is more efficient to burn medium sized wood, briskly, and refuel frequently than
to load the appliance with large logs that result in a smouldering, inefficient fire and dirty glass.
As soon as the door is closed, you will observe a change in the flame pattern. The flames will get smaller and lazier because
less oxygen is getting into the combustion chamber. The flames, however, are more efficient. The flames will remain lazy but
become larger again as soon as the firebricks have been heated thoroughly and the chimney becomes heated and provides
W415-1133 / A / 06.12.13
the Fire ChaMber Creating a Fire haZarD to your hoMe.
suCh liQuiDs Well aWay FroM the applianCe While it is in use.
(1219 mm) From The FronT FaCe.
Cause sKin burns. Wear gloves to operate your applianCe.
maY resUlT in a hoUse anD or ChimneY Fire.
Do noT sTriKe or slam Door.
never remove The Door when The aPPlianCe is hoT.
Carbon MonoXiDe poisoning.