never insTall a single wall sliP seCTion or smoKe PiPe in a Chase sTrUCTUre.
The higher TemPeraTUre oF This single wall PiPe maY raDiaTe sUFFiCienT heaT To
Do noT ConneCT This aPPlianCe To a ChimneY sYsTem serving anoTher aPPlianCe.
to avoiD Danger oF Fire, all instruCtions Must be striCtly FolloWeD, inCluDing
the provisions oF air spaCe ClearanCe betWeen ChiMney systeM anD enClosure.
to proteCt against the eFFeCts oF Corrosion on those parts eXposeD to the
Weather, We reCoMMenD that the Chase top be painteD With a rust resistant paint.
Do noT Fill anY FrameD sPaCe aroUnD The ChimneY wiTh insUlaTion or anY oTher
Material. insulation plaCeD in this area CoulD Cause aDJaCent CoMbustibles to
Maintain a MiniMuM 2" (50.8mm) air ClearanCe to all parts oF the ChiMney systeM at
all tiMes (eXCluDing the ChiMney ConneCtor). Failure to Maintain this 2" (50.8mm) air
ClearanCe will CaUse a sTrUCTUre Fire. never Fill This sPaCe wiTh anY TYPe oF maTerial.
DeTaileD insTrUCTions For insTallaTion oF The Chase ToP, sTorm Collar
anD TerminaTion CaP are PaCKageD wiTh These ParTs. minimUm ClearanCe To
Do not Cut raFters or Ceiling Joists Without First Consulting a builDing oFFiCial
Firestop spaCers Must be useD Whenever the ChiMney penetrates a Ceiling/Floor area.
the total horiZontal vent length shoulD not eXCeeD 40% oF the ChiMney height
above the applianCe. all horiZontal sMoKe pipe Must slope slightly upWarDs
a MiniMuM oF 1/4" (6.4mm) per Foot (meter) anD all ConneCtions Must be tight anD
seCureD by three sheet Metal sCreWs eQually spaCeD. an uninsulateD sMoKe pipe
shall noT Pass ThroUgh an aTTiC, rooF sPaCe, CloseT, or similar ConCealeD sPaCe,
or through a Floor, Ceiling, Wall or partition, or any CoMbustible ConstruCtion.
Your appliance may be connected to a factory built or masonry chimney. If you are using a factory built chim-
ney, it must comply with ULCS629 (Canada) or UL103 (USA) standards. It must therefore be a 6" (152mm) HT
Type (2100°F) (1149°C) chimney. It is extremely important that it be installed according to the manufacturer's
The manufacturer's installation instructions and specified clearances should always be followed in accordance
with local and national codes. In Canada the CSA B365 and the CSA C22.1 installation codes are to be fol-
lowed. In the USA the ANSI NFPA 70 and ANSI NFPA 211 installation codes are to be followed.
Chimney and chimney connector must be in good condition and kept clean.
W415-1133 / A / 06.12.13
CoMbustible Chase Materials to Cause Fire.
CoMbustibles Will vary DepenDing on their Design.
To ensUre sTrUCTUral inTegriTY is noT ComPromiseD.
Do noT Use anY maKeshiFT maTerials DUring insTallaTion.