The therapy has a positive effect on nerve functions, muscles as well as the hard
and soft tissue of the orofacial system. It is used for orofacial and craniomandibular
dysfunctions, myofunctional and neurofunctional disorders, for correction and
stabilisation of head and body statics. The formation of neurophysiological patterns
and muscle chain functions, which are important for chewing, swallowing,
speaking, breathing, tooth alignment as well as facial expressions and toning the
skin, is developed and optimised. The efficacy of Face Former therapy in
orthodontics, neurology, speech therapy, physiotherapy, pain management and in
the treatment of snoring and sleep apnoea has been proven in numerous scientific
. There is a positive effect after only a short period of treatment
(2 – 3 weeks). Face Former use is an important component in neuro cell stimu-
lation therapy (Berndsen / Berndsen). In scientific comparisons with other methods
the Face Former therapy exhibited significant dominance.
Nieke, B.; Korbmacher, H.; Berndsen, S. u.a.: Evaluation of a new concept of functional therapy supporting
orthodontic treatment. The International Journal Of Orofacial Myology (IAOM, International Association
Orofacial Myology). 30th Anniversary Edition, Volume XXX, Page 39-52, November 2004
Kopp, S.; Berndsen, K.; Berndsen, S.; Ifert, F.; Langbein, U.: Initiale Therapie myogener Befunde im kranio-
mandibulären System mit einem konfektionierten Intra-/extraoralen Trainingsgerät. In: Manuelle Medizin,
Band 42, Heft 1, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, Februar 2004, 55-61