Installation instructions
The national fire protection regulations and the stipulations of DIN 4705 and DIN 18160 should be observed
when installing the stove and sealing the fume outlet.
In order to guarantee problem-free operation of the stove, the chimney to which you connect the stove must be in
perfect condition.
Installation location
Since the air required for combustion is drawn from the space where the stove is installed, there should be an
adequate supply of fresh air. The requirement is 4 m³ of air per KW of nominal capacity. In the case of this
specific stove, the space in which it is installed should therefore be at least 32 m³ in extent. If the space is smaller
than this, it should be connected to other rooms by means of air vents with a view to combustion air distribution.
(Air vents should be at least 150 cm² in size.)
Minimum distances
All flammable elements such as furniture or decorative materials in the vicinity of the stove should be protected
against the heat.
Furniture and decorations within the radiation range
Maintain a distance of at least 1 metre (A) between the front of the fireplace opening and flammable elements,
furniture and decorative materials. This safety distance may be reduced to 40 cm (B) if a heat shield is placed in
front of the object (fig. 8).
Furniture and decorations outside the radiation range
The walls next to and behind the stove may not be made from flammable material. They may also not be clad
with such materials, unless the lateral distance is more than 30 cm and the rear distance more than 20 cm.
The lateral distance from wooden or plastic furniture should also be 30 cm (fig. 9).
The floor beneath the stove
Floors made from flammable materials such as carpeted, parquet or cork floors should be protected by a floor
plate made from a non-flammable material such as: ceramics, stone, glass or metal. The floor plate should extend
50 cm on the front and 30 cm on the sides.
Fig. 8
Fig. 9