Zone navigation. Access any zone of the system to change the set-point
temperature, switch it on or off or see all its information.
In case of fancoil installation with Master Think, it is also possible to select the Fan
speed using the control bar. It sets the operating speed of the AC unit fan. The system
uses the Automatic mode by default, imposing the flow depending on the number
of zones in demand.
High speed.
Average speed.
Low speed.
Automatic speed.
Warnings and errors of the system
The Airzone Think thermostat screensaver displays several system warnings.
Battery. Low battery warning.
The system has an error-control mechanism. If the system displays any error, please
contact your trusted installer.
Error 9: The system will open all the doors to allow the use of air conditioning from
the AC unit controller. Once the incident is solved, the system will return to its
previous state.