11 the blood sugar test
Pull the test strip out to stop the test process. Start again from the
beginning by feeding in a new test strip and applying the necessary
blood drop. If you cannot manage to fill the test strip with enough
blood, please contact our service department.
Note: If you do not apply blood to the test strip within two minutes,
the device will make a beep to tell you to turn it off by pulling out
the test strip. Remove the strip, and then feed it into the device
again to start the test procedure once more.
3. After the device has finished the countdown (max. 10 sec), the
measured results are shown in the display. The blood sugar test
measured values are automatically stored in the memory. To turn
the device off, pull the test strip out.
Warning: Dispose of used to test trips and used lancets very
carefully in order to prevent injury or infection to other
The measured results produced by your "ibp TD 3213" blood sugar
measuring device are precise whole blood-calibrated test results
(Fig. 20), which can be directly compared with laboratory results.
(Fig. 19)
correct blood
(Fig. 20)
whole blood-
calibrated result