7.1 Trouble shooting
Attention! Do not attempt to modify the internal configuration of the heat pump.
Keep your hands and hair clear of the fan blades to avoid injury.
Do not attempt to modify the internal configuration of the heat pump.
Do not attempt to adjus t or s ervice w ithout cons ulting your dealer or your professional pool
or air conditioning contractor
Read the entire installation and user manual before attempting to use, service or adjust the unit
Start the heat pump at least 24 hours after its installation in order to prevent damage to the
Switch off the power prior to maintenance or repairs.
Attention! Switch off the power prior to maintenance or repairs.
the heat pump doesn't work
the screen does not light up and the fan/compressor doesn't make a sound
Possible cause
No electrical power supply
the heat pump works normally but there is no or insufficient heating
The screen displays the temperature but no error codes
Possible cause
1. In sufficient capacity of the heat pump in proportion to the
size of the swimming pool
2. The compressor works but the fan doesn't
3. The fan works but the compressor doesn't
4. The heat pump has not been placed on an optimal location
5. Faulty temperature setting
6. By-pass not adjusted
7. Massive ice formation on the evaporator
8. Not enough refrigerant
The heat pump works normally but the water is cooling down instead of heating up
The screen displays the temperature but no error codes
Possible cause
1.The wrong mode has been selected
2. The controller is out of order
3. The 4-way valve is out of order
Check power supply (wiring, fuses,... ...... ...)
1. Install a larger sized model or an extra heat pump.
Cover the pool to limit heat loss
2. Check the electrical wiring of the fan. Replace the
condenser or the fan motor if necessary.
3. Check the electrical wiring of the compressor.
Replace the condenser or the compressor if necessary.
4. Make for sufficient air circulation(see manual for
5. Set the correct temperature
6. Have the by-pass readjusted by the installer
7. Have the settings for automatic defrost control
checked by the installer
8. Have the heat pump checked by a refrigeration
1.Verify the parameters, select the correct mode
2. Check the voltage in the electrical wiring to the
4-way valve. If no electric potential is measured,
replace the controller
3. Check the voltage in the electrical wiring to the
4-way valve. If electric potential is measured,
replace the coil. If the problem persists, have the
heat pump checked by a refrigeration technician