2.4 Location of the swimming pool heat pump
The unit will perform well on any location provided three factors are present:
1. Fresh air supply
2. Electricity
3. Swimming pool filter piping
The unit may be installed virtually anywhere outdoors providing minimum distance requirements are met
with respect to other objects (see diagram below).For indoor pools please consult your installer. If the unit
is placed in a windy area, no problems occur with e.g. the pilot light, as opposed to what is often the case
with gas heaters.
Do not place the unit in an enclosed area with a limited air volume where the unit's discharged air will be
re-circulated or near shrubs that could block the air inlet. These locations deny the unit a continuous fresh
air supply, which reduces its efficiency and may prevent adequate heat yield. See diagram below for
minimum required distances.
2.5 Distance from the pool
Normally, the pool heat pump is installed within a 7.5 meter radius of the pool. The greater the distance
from the pool, the greater the heat los s from the piping. S ince the piping is buried for the mos t part, heat