loss is minimal for distances of up to 30 meters (15 meters to and from the pump= 30 meters total), unless
the soil is wet or the water level is high. Heat loss per 30 meters could roughly be estimated at 0.6 kw -
hour (2000 BTU ) for every 5 ℃ temperature difference betw een the pool w ater and the s oil
surrounding the pipe, which translates to an operation time increase of 3-5%.
Installation of the check-valve
When using automatic chlorine and PH dosage systems, it is of uttermost importance to protect the heat
pump from high concentrations of these chemicals that could corrode the heat exchanger. Therefore, such
systems should add the chemicals in the conduits located downstream of the heat pump and it is
recommended to install a check-valve in order to prevent backflow when there is no water circulation.
Damage to the heat pump caused by disregarding any of these recommendations will invalidate the