The TOPRO TAURUS is a walker, which shall give support to users with reduced balance and/or reduced walking
ability. The intended user is an adult. The walker is developed for pushing, not pulling.
The main user of the product is the patient him-/herself; however, the walker can also be operated by an assistant.
The walker is not suitable for persons with low strength in arms and legs, with very poor balance, or with consider-
able cognitive disabilities. The product is designed and approved for indoor use on plain foundation. We advise
caution when using the TOPRO Taurus in private homes with narrow doorways, as the maximum width of the walker
is 660 mm.
Important to know about safety and use
The walker must be adjusted to the recommended height for right support and safe walking: Stand with relaxed
shoulders and have your elbow at a 90 degree angle A. Hold the walker as close to your body to maintain the
correct support and a safe walk B. The easiest way to keep your balance is to walk straight, look forward and
hold your backside in C.
Do not push the walker too far from your body as this can cause unnecessary strain and you could fall.
Do not push the walker forward if the front wheels have stopped at an obstacle. It may tilt and cause an accident.
Do not use the walker on stairs. Be careful when descending thresholds etc.
Maximum user weight is 150 kg. Maximum user height is 210 cm.
Do not let children play with the walker.
Some parts of the walker might feel very hot or cold when exposed to extreme temperatures.
Do not put your fingers or any loose objects in the gap between the brake lever and the handle to avoid injury.
Do not alter the product as this might put your safety at risk and the guarantee will not be valid.
Height adjustment
Stepless hydraulic height adjustment
Pull the handle upwards A. Use a little body weight to press down or reduce the counterweight to increase
the height. Release the handle at the required height.
Adjusting the forearm supports
The forearm supports are adjusted individually. Unscrew the lock underneath the forearm support A until the cushion
is moveable. Place at the required position and tighten the screw. NB! If the lever sticks out, it can be dangerous. Pull it
down and rotate it away to be hidden.
Adjusting the handles (TOPRO TAURUS H Premium)
Unscrew the lock wheel A. You can now pull the handle B backwards or push it forward. It is also possible to adjust
the angle of the handle. After adjusting the handle to the wanted position, tighten the lock wheel again. Be careful
when unscrewing/tightening the lock wheel so that you do not hurt your fingers.
Hand brakes (TOPRO TAURUS H Premium)
Adjusting / controlling the brakes:
Unscrew the nut A. Tighten / loosen the brake wire with the adjusting screw B. Ensure that the brakes are working
properly and only touching the wheels when in use. Adjust the brakes evenly on both sides.
Important information:
Ensure that the brakes work properly before each trip. Inspect the brakes frequently by following the information
above. The walker wheels are made of a soft rubber, which gives an optimal braking capacity on slippery floor. Wrong
use can cause unsafe situations and damage to the walker: The walker must not be driven or pushed with force when the
parking brakes are on or when the wheels are partly locked using the brakes. This indicates incorrect use and can cause
wear and tear, which makes the tires and brake quality weaker.
Using the driving brakes:
Pull the brake levers towards you C to reduce speed. It is a two handed braking system, which means that you will
brake the rear wheel that is located on the same side as the brake lever. If you apply only one of the brakes, the walker
will turn to that side. When the lever is released, the braking will stop. Do not use the brakes continuously while the
walker is in motion.
Using the parking brakes:
Push the brake levers forwards D to activate the parking brakes. Be aware that the lever has some resistance before it
stops and locks the rear wheel. Pull the brake levers back to release the parking brakes.