In the case of exchange of information with the Manufacturer or the
Dealer regarding the oven, please refer to the serial number and the
identification data of the machine reported on the plate.
With delivery of this manual, the Manufacturer declines any and all
responsibility, both civil and criminal, for accidents deriving from partial or
total non-adherence to the specifications contained herein.
The Manufacturer declines any and all responsibility deriving from
improper use of the machine or incorrect use by the user, unauthorized
modifications and/or repairs, use of unoriginal spare parts or parts not
appropriate for this machine model.
Extraordinary maintenance::
Extraordinary maintenance operations must be executed by qualified
personnel trained to intervene on the oven model referred to in this
Responsibility for installation operations:
Responsibility for oven installation operations are not considered
to be responsibility of the Manufacturer. This is, and remains, the
responsibility of the installer who is in charge of executing the
controls related to the correctness of the proposed installation. In
addition, all safety regulations outlined in currently enforced laws
in the state in which the machine is installed must be respected.
In addition to the instructions contained in this manual, use of the
machine is subject to all safety regulations outlined in the specific laws in
the state where the machine is installed.
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