Ingredients: 30 mint leaves – 8 demitasse spoons of brown sugar –
juice of 2 limes – 180ml of Cuban White Rum – 250ml of sparkling
water – 10 ice cubes.
Squeeze the limes and put the juice in the glass bowl of the blender
with the rum, the sugar and the ice cubes.
Mix in "Ice Cream" mode for
are crushed. Then add the sparkling water and the mint and mix
on position
for several seconds.
N.B.: Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, to be consumed
with moderation.
Ingredients: 500ml of coconut milk – 250ml of pineapple juice –
250ml of white rum.
Put all of the ingredients in the glass bowl of the blender.
Mix the preparation in "Mix" mode.
N.B.: Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, to be consumed
with moderation.
seconds, until the ice cubes
Ingredients: 6 tomatoes – 1 cucumber – 1 large onion – 1 red bell
pepper – 1 yellow bell pepper – 2 cloves of garlic – 4 tablespoons
of wine vinegar – 4 tablespoons of olive oil – juice of one lemon –
1 tablespoon of tomato concentrate – 1 glass of water – basil –
hot pepper – salt and pepper.
Peel, take out the seeds, and cut the tomatoes into pieces, peel and
coarsely chop the cucumber and onion, hull and remove the seeds
from the bell peppers and cut them into strips, peel and crush the
cloves of garlic.
Put these ingredients in the blender in "Chopping" mode, add the
water, vinegar, oil, lemon juice, basil and tomato concentrate and
then use the "Mix" mode. Add salt, pepper, and hot pepper. If you
prefer a more fluid texture, add some water. You can also put the
preparation through a conical strainer for a gazpacho which is
smooth and without pulp.
Keep in refrigerator until serving.
Ingredients: 900g of carrots – vegetable broth – 45g of butter –
45g of crème fraiche – 3 tablespoons of cornstarch – 1 egg yolk – salt
and pepper – powdered nutmeg.
Wash the carrots, peel them and cut them into sections.
Cook them for
minutes in the vegetable broth.
Put them in the blender in "Purée" mode, add the melted butter,
the cornstarch mixed with the cream fraiche, the salt and pepper,
then the nutmeg. Then use the "Mix" mode.
Keep warm on a very low heat. Then add the egg yolk just
before serving.