Points forts
La puissance de synthèse
Les VCO avec mixage des ondes
La diversité des filtres
Les effets analogiques
Les modes de jeu paraphonique et split
La matrice de modulation programmable
Les délais et chorus analogiques intégrés
Le séquenceur et l'arpégiateur
L'interface homme/machine exceptionnelle
Les macro-commandes astucieuses
La qualité de construction globale
La connectique complète
Les nombreuses prises CV/Gate
L'entrée audio pré-filtrage
L'automation intégrale via CC MIDI
7.2 MusicRadar
It oozes personality and can go from a warm/twisted monosynth to dirty/ambient chord
machine and powerful sequencer - mind blown!
Built like a tank.
No menu diving.
Extensive MIDI and CV/gate features.
There's no click for the sequencer.
Known first for its software recreations of classics, Arturia went to launch the MiniBrute in 2012 and
the MicroBrute in 2014, which featured all-analogue signal paths, a Steiner-Parker filter and the Brute
Factor control which feeds the synth back into itself, creating anything from subtle to insane
distortion/thickening and harmonic driving/feedback.
Of course, us synth heads are hard to satisfy and we always want bigger and better. Low and behold,
Arturia has seemingly answered our prayers, delivering the beastly MatrixBrute.
The hardware design/quality is really impressive and the MB (as we'll call it from now on) is an
imposing and unique looking machine, designed by industrial design guru Axel Hartmann.
You can really see the Minimoog/Voyager heritage with its solid walnut sides and a huge flip-up steel
control panel. There's a Voyager-style flip-up panel support with a huge Arturia logo for holding up the
weighty panel but the MB can also be used flat and a metal clip holds everything in place when
transporting (it weighs 19kg/44lbs so it's just about portable!).
Everything oozes class, from the inset front panel Arturia logo to the tactile MIDI controllable knobs
(which feel particularly solid) and switches with slick horizontal white lights to denote status. Unlike the
Arturia Matrixbrute – Aide-mémoire d'utilisation
Points faibles
Un filtrage un peu drastique sur les aigus
La repisse des Sub-VCO dans le filtre Steiner-Parker
Les ploc-ploc audibles lors des changements de programme
Pas d'affichage des paramètres en cours d'édition (hors encodeurs)
Les sources audio absentes de la matrice
Les paramètres système inaccessibles sans logiciel
L'écran à encre liquide non rétro-éclairé
La finesse du plastique des touches blanches du clavier
Des fonctions à finaliser
Juillet 2017
7.2 MusicRadar