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Une fois le carton ouvert, inspecter l'outil en vue de dommages. Notifier immédiatement le détaillant ou le
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L'accessoire de Débroussailleuse PAS
Manuel d'utilisation
Carte d'enregistrement en garantie
Crochet de rangement
© 4/2015 ECHO Inc.
X7722271404 / X772000164
Operator's Manual
Read rules for safe operation and instructions carefully. ECHO provides an Operator's Manual
and a Safety Manual. Both must be read and understood for proper and safe operation.
Specifications, descriptions and illustrative material in this literature are as accurate as known at the time
of publication, but are subject to change without notice. Illustrations may include optional equipment and
accessories, and may not include all standard equipment.
X7722271404 / X772000164
© 4/2011 ECHO Inc.