secTIoN 4
If this equipment does not operate properly, stop work immediately and investigate the cause of the malfunction. Main-
tenance work must be performed by an experienced person, and electrical work by a trained electrician. Do not permit
untrained persons to inspect, clean, or repair this equipment. Use only recommended replacement parts.
Inspection and cleaning
Frequent inspection and cleaning of the power source is recommended for safety and proper operation. Some suggestions
for inspecting and cleaning are as follows:
A. Check work cable for secured connection to workpiece.
B. Check safety earth ground at workpiece and at power source chassis.
C. Check heat shield on torch. It should be replaced if damaged.
D. Make sure cable and hoses are not damaged or kinked.
E. Make sure all plugs, fittings, and ground connections are tight.
F. With all input power disconnected, and wearing proper eye and face protection, blow out the inside of the power
source using low-pressure dry compressed air.
IGBT Handling
Since IGBT gates are insulated from any other conducting region, care should be taken to prevent static build up, which
could possibly damage gate oxides. All IGBT modules are shipped from the factory with conductive foam contacting the
gate and emitter sense pins.
Always ground parts touching gate pins during installation. In general, standard ESD precautions application to FETs should
be followed.
Other handling precautions that should also be observed are as follows:
Use grounded work station with grounded floors and grounded wrist straps when handling devices.
Use a 100Ω resistor in series with the gate when performing curve tracer tests.
Never install devices into systems with power connected to the system.
Be suRe THAT THe WAll dIscoNNecT sWITcH oR WAll cIRcuIT
BReAkeR Is opeN BefoRe ATTempTING ANy INspecTIoN oR WoRk
INsIde THe poWeR souRce.
WATeR oR oIl occAsIoNAlly AccumulATes IN compRessed AIR
lINes. Be suRe To dIRecT THe fIRsT BlAsT of AIR AWAy fRom THe
equIpmeNT To AvoId dAmAGe To THe poWeR souRce.