Music & Media
4.1 Get New Picture
Allows you to connect to Media
Center and download a variety of
images for My Pictures.
1. Unlock the screen by touching
or pressing the Unlock
Key ( ) on the left side of
your phone, then touch Menu
to access the menu.
2. Touch the Music & Media
3. Touch Pictures & Videos.
4. Touch Get New Picture.
5. Touch Get New Applications.
4.2 Get New Videos
This menu brings the world to
your mobile phone with full-
motion video and sound. Catch
up with what's happening with
video clips from Music,
Showcase, Comedy, News,
Sports, Net's Best, TV & Film ,
Latino, Kids and Lifestyle
(Additional fees may apply).
1. Unlock the screen by touching
or pressing the Unlock
Key ( ) on the left side of
your phone, then touch Menu
to access the menu.
2. Touch the Music & Media
3. Touch Pictures & Videos.
4. Touch Get New Videos.
5. Touch video clip categories to