In-App Mode Measurement
1. Ensure the Bluetooth
2. Open the A&D Connect app. The app will automatically
detect the presence of the monitor.
3. Press the Take Measurement
button, followed by the Start
button on the app screen.
User number
Monitor Display
4. The cuff starts to infl ate. It is normal for the cuff to
feel tight. The app displays the pressure value once
infl ation starts.
5. When the measurement is
complete, the app and the
monitor will display results
similar to the icon on the
(Systolic, diastolic and
pulse rate will scroll on the
Note: Press the start button again to turn the monitor off. The monitor is also
provided with an automatic power shut-off function. Allow at least one minute
between measurements on the same person.
function of the mobile device is ON.
Take Measurement
Result Notifi cation Icons
(Refer to pg. E-9,10 for details)
App Display
Monitor Display
App Display