After programming the end positions, these can only be changed by
means of the master handheld transmitter. (Master handheld transmitter
= handheld transmitter that was programmed first, see section "Master
handheld transmitter" for details.
8. Changing end positions If it is necessary to adjust the OPEN or
CLOSEposition, the end positions must be set according to steps 1-7.
9. Setting the middle position Move the roller shutter to the desired po-
sition and stop it. Activate thelearn button on the "Master Transmitter"
2 x (Fig. 22) and press the STOP button (Fig. 23). The motor confirms
this input by briefly turning once in one direction. The middle position
has been successfully learned.
10. Operating the middle position To use the function "middle position"
move the roller shutter to a position and press the STOP button on the
handheld transmitter for 3-4 seconds (Fig. 24). The motor will automat-
ically drive to the set middle position. To exit the middle end position,
simply press the OPEN or CLOSE button on the remote contol.
The middle position can only be set after successfully programming the
OPEN and CLOSE position .
Follow these steps to delete the end/middle position:
Switch off the power supply.
Switch on the power supply again. The motor confirms this input by
briefly turning once in one direction.
Press the red button on the motor 10 x (Fig. 25) 10 bleeps
Then hold down the red button again for approx. 2 seconds. The
motor confirms this input by briefly turning once in one direction.
End positions cleared successfully.
Fig. 25
Fig. 22
Fig. 23
Fig. 24
Red Button